کتاب های Tom Parry

Topics in Ergodic Theory (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
William Parry, 1981
Theory of Holors: A Generalization of Tensors
Parry Hiram Moon, 1986
Theory of Holors: A Generalization of Tensors
Parry Hiram Moon, 2005
Trading the Genome: Investigating the Commodification of Bio-Information
Bronwyn Parry, 2004
Topics in ergodic theory
Parry W., 1981
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Dr Gareth J. Parry MBChBFRACP, 2007
Managing higher education in colleges
Gareth Parry, 2007
Broadcasting Birth Control: Mass Media and Family Planning
Manon Parry, 2013
Global Trends in Human Resource Management
Emma Parry, 2013
The Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Perfumes
Ernest Parry, 1921
The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes
Ernest J Parry, 1921-22
The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes
Parry E.J., 1922
The chemistry of essential oils and artificial perfumes
Parry E.J., 1921
Interacting Stresses on Plants in a Changing Climate
Martin Parry, 1993
Guillain-Barre Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Recovery (American Academy of Neurology)
M.D. Gareth John Parry, 2007
Reuters Financial Glossary
Tony Parry, 2003