کتاب های Tony Payne
درباره نویسنده

A Compendious Syriac Dictionary
J. Payne Smith, Jessie Payne Smith, 1999
Implementing BASICs: How BASICs Work
William H. Payne, Patricia Payne, 1982
Diccionario ashéninca/ asheninka (Arawak) - castellano. Edición preliminar
David L. Payne, Carlos Amempori Ruiz, Ronald J. Anderson, Marlene Ballena Dávila, Alberto Pablo Ravírez, Judith K. Payne, Samuel Pérez Piahuantze, Jorge Sánchez Santos, 1980
A Typological Grammar of Panare : A Cariban Language of Venezuela
Thomas E. Payne; Doris L. Payne, 2012
A Treliça e a Videira: a mentalidade de discipulado que muda tudo
Colin Marshall, Tony Payne, 2016
Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology
Andre Barel, Marc Payne, Howard I. Maibach (Editors), 2001
Handbook of Cosmetic Science and Technology
Andre Barel, Marc Payne, Howard I. Maibach (Editors), 2001
Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days
Chris Payne, 2002
Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days
Chris Payne, 2002
A Synopsis of the Ionization Potentials of the Elements
Payne C.H., 1927
.NET Windows Forms in 21 Tagen . Oberflächen programmieren
Chris Payne, 2003
A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory, Second Edition
Michael Payne, Jessica Rae Barbera, 2010
An Introduction to Animal Husbandry in the Tropics
William J. A. Payne, R. T. Wilson, 1999
Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies
Ian Blumer, Cynthia Payne, 2010
Sams Teach Yourself .NET XML Web Services in 24 Hours
Mark Augustyniak, Chris Payne, 2002
Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days
Chris Payne, 2003
Archaic Marble Sculpture from the Acropolis - A photographic catalogue
Humfry Payne, Gerard Mackworth Young, 1951
A Compendious Syriac Dictionary
J. Payne Smith, 1957
Improperly Posed Problems in PDEs
L. E. Payne, 1987
Dynamic System Identification: Experiment Design and Data Analysis
Graham C. Goodwin and Robert L. Payne (Eds.), 1977