کتاب های Tony Sanchez

La versión interpolada de los Castigos de Sancho IV: edición y estudio
Ana María Marín Sánchez, 2003
The Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages
Rosalynn Voaden, René Tixier, Teresa Sanchez Roura, Jenny Rebecca Rytting, 2003
Introduction to Recursive Programming
Manuel Rubio-Sanchez, 2017
Churches and Social Power in Early Medieval Europe: Integrating Archaeological and Historical Approaches
José C. Sánchez-Pardo; Michael G. Shapland, 2015
The Psychology of Gender and Health. Conceptual and Applied Global Concerns
M. Pilar Sánchez-López and Rosa M. Limiñana-Gras (Eds.), 2017
Sociopsicología : instituciones y relaciones interindividuales
Ribes Iñesta, Emilio; Pulido Avalos, Lizbeth; Rangel Bernal, Nora Edith; Sánchez-Gatell, Eduardo, 2016
Ciencia de Datos con R
Rubeń Sánchez Sancho, 2017
Ciencia de datos con R
Rubén Sánchez Sancho, 2017
Ciencia de Datos con R
Rubén Sanchez Sancho, 2017
Manual de Resistencia
Pedro Sánchez
Introducción a la ciencia política
Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, 2012
La lucha por los derechos
José María Enriquez Sánchez, 2016
Adolfo Sanchéz Vásquez, 1990
Experimental Collaborations: Ethnography through Fieldwork Devices
Adolfo Estalella , Tomás Sánchez Criado, 2018
María Angeles Martin Sanchez, 1993
La rationalité scientifique aujourd’hui
Claude Debru, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Évariste Sanchez-Palencia (eds.), 2016
The teeth of the lion : the story of the beloved and despised dandelion
Sanchez, Anita, 2006
Patient safety
Sanchez, Juan A., 2012
Hierarchical Modular Granular Neural Networks with Fuzzy Aggregation
Daniela Sanchez, Patricia Melin, 2017
Discrete-time recurrent neural control: analysis and applications
Sanchez, Edgar N, 2019
Discrete-time recurrent neural control: analysis and applications
Sanchez, Edgar N, 2019
Neuroprosthetics : principles and applications
Sanchez, Justin Cort, 2016
My Bloody Life: The Making of a Latin King
Reymundo Sanchez, Apr 2007
Tutte le opere filosofiche
Francisco Sanchez, a cura di Claudio Buccolini, Ettore Lojacono, Claudia Montuschi, 2014