کتاب های Troy Martin (editor)

3D QSAR in Drug Design: Ligand-Protein Interactions and Molecular Similarity, Vol. 2
Hugo Kubinyi, Yvonne C. Martin (Editor),Gerd Folkers (Editor), 1998
3D QSAR in Drug Design: Ligand-Protein Interactions and Molecular Similarity, Vol. 2
Hugo Kubinyi, Yvonne C. Martin (Editor),Gerd Folkers (Editor)
Space Stations
Martin H. Greenberg (Editor), John Helfers (Editor), 2004
Handbook of Vowels and Vowel Disorders
Martin J. Ball (Editor), Fiona E. Gibbon (Editor), 2013
The Reception of Edmund Burke in Europe
Martin Fitzpatrick (Editor), Peter Jones (Editor), 2017
Greek Epic Fragments from the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC
Martin Litchfield West (Translator, Editor), Jeffery Henderson (Editor), 2003
Earliest Christian History: History, Literature, and Theology. Essays from the Tyndale Fellowship in Honor of Martin Hengel
Martin Hengel (Author), Michael F Bird (Editor), Jason Maston(Editor), 2012
Human Agents and Social Structures
Peter J. Martin (Editor), Alex Dennis (Editor), 2010
Martin Heidegger, F. V. Herrmann (editor), G. Strummiello (editor), 2017
Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie: 23 Fälle aus der evidenzbasierten Praxis (physiofallbuch)
Martin Verra (editor), Peter Oesch (editor), 2019
The Cambridge Handbook of Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
Martin Sellbom (editor), Julie A. Suhr (editor), 2019
Other People’s Pain: Narratives of Trauma and the Question of Ethics
Martin Modlinger (editor), Philipp Sonntag (editor), 2011
p-adic Hodge Theory
Bhargav Bhatt (editor), Martin Olsson (editor), 2020
Statecraft and Classical Learning: The Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History
Benjamin A. Elman (editor), Martin Kern (editor), 2009
Whither archaeology : papers in honour of Ev̌zen Neustupńy
Martin Kuna (editor); Natalie Venclová (editor); Ev̌zen Neustupńy, 1995
Confucius and the Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on Composition, Dating, and Authorship
Michael Hunter (editor), Martin Kern (editor), 2018
Theosophy Across Boundaries: Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Modern Esoteric Movement
Hans Martin Kramer (editor), Julian Strube (editor), 2020
The Long Twelfth-Century View of the Anglo-Saxon Past
Martin Brett (editor), David A. Woodman (editor), 2015
Queer Globalizations: Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism
Arnaldo Cruz-Malavé (editor), Martin F. Manalansan IV (editor), 2002
Toward a Global History of Latin America's Revolutionary Left
Tanya Harmer (editor), Alberto Martín Alvarez (editor), 2021
Accounting for Alcohol: An Accounting History of Brewing, Distilling and Viniculture
Martin Quinn (editor), João Oliveira (editor), 2018
The Neuroscience of Dementia
Colin R. Martin (editor), Victor R. Preedy (editor), 2020
Concetti fondamentali della filosofia aristotelica
Martin Heidegger, Mark Michalski (editor), Giovanni Gurisatti (editor), 2017
Conferenze di Brema e Friburgo
Martin Heidegger, Petra Jaeger (editor), Franco Volpi (editor), 2002