کتاب های Tôn Thân

Toán bồi dưỡng học sinh lớp 6
Tôn Thân, Vũ Hữu Bình, Đỗ Quang Thiều, 2013
Design and Analysis of Rectangular Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation
Than Singh Saini, 2015
Myanmar in ASEAN: Regional Co-operation Experience
Mya Than, 2005
State Dominance in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Industrialization
Tin Maung Maung Than, 2006
Criminal Law
Claire de Than, 2013
Smart Energy Grid Design for Island Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
F.M. Rabiul Islam, Kabir Al Mamun, Maung Than Oo Amanullah (eds.), 2017
Zen Pencils—Inspirational Quotes for Kids
Gavin Aung Than, 2017
The Other Side of the Coin
Than Toe Aung, 2016
Identity Crisis
Than Toe Aung, January, 2019
Integration should not be a one-way street
Than Toe Aung, July, 2019
Women and Modernity (excerpted from "Women in Modern Burma")
Tharaphi Than, 2014
Chapter 6 & 7 (excerpted from "Women in Modern Burma")
Tharaphi Than, 2014
Advances in Pregnancy-Related Protein Research Functional and Clinical Applications
Gabor N. Than (Author); H. Bohn (Author); Denes G. Szabo (Author), 1993
Man-Made Laws vs Shari’ah - Ruling
Laws other than what Allāh Revealed, Conditioner and Rulings
History of Buddhism in Burma A.D. 1000-1300
Dr. Than Tun, 1956
Development, Modernization, and Tradition in Southeast Asia: Lessons from Thailand
Pinit Ratanakul and U Kyaw Than, 1990