کتاب های Univ. Prof. Dr. Rainer Koch (auth.)

Database and XML Technologies: 6th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2009, Lyon, France, August 24, 2009. Proceedings
Abdul Nizar M., P. Sreenivasa Kumar (auth.), Zohra Bellahsène, Ela Hunt, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2009
Database and XML Technologies: 7th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2010, Singapore, September 17, 2010. Proceedings
M. Tamer Özsu, Patrick Kling (auth.), Mong Li Lee, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Zohra Bellahsène, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2010
Database and XML Technologies: 7th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2010, Singapore, September 17, 2010. Proceedings
M. Tamer Özsu, Patrick Kling (auth.), Mong Li Lee, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Zohra Bellahsène, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2010
Database and XML Technologies: Third International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28-29, 2005. Proceedings
Giuseppe Castagna (auth.), Stéphane Bressan, Stefano Ceri, Ela Hunt, Zachary G. Ives, Zohra Bellahsène, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2005
Database and XMLTechnologies: 5th International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007. Proceedings
Leonid Libkin (auth.), Denilson Barbosa, Angela Bonifati, Zohra Bellahsène, Ela Hunt, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2007
Cosmic Magnetic Fields
Martin J. Rees (auth.), Richard Wielebinski, Rainer Beck (eds.), 2005
Embedded Systems: Design, Analysis and Verification: 4th IFIP TC 10 International Embedded Systems Symposium, IESS 2013, Paderborn, Germany, June 17-19, 2013. Proceedings
Takuya Azumi, Yasaman Samei Syahkal, Yuko Hara-Azumi, Hiroshi Oyama, Rainer Dömer (auth.), Gunar Schirner, Marcelo Götz, Achim Rettberg, Mauro C. Zanella, Franz J. Rammig (eds.), 2013
Auf digitalen Pfaden: Die Kulturen von Hackern, Programmierern, Crackern und Spielern
Roland Eckert, Waldemar Vogelgesang, Thomas A. Wetzstein, Rainer Winter (auth.), 1991
1 × 1 der Psychopharmaka: Grundlagen, Standardtherapien und neue Konzepte
Dr. Margot Dietzel, Dr. Rainer Dorow, Dr. Alexander Friedmann (auth.), 1993
Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: Lectures Presented at a Workshop at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany, Jan 15 – 21, 2012
K. R. Arun, M. Lukáčová-Medvidová (auth.), Rainer Ansorge, Hester Bijl, Andreas Meister, Thomas Sonar (eds.), 2013
Mathematische Modelle und Verfahren der Unternehmensforschung für die Lösung ökonomischer Probleme
Dipl. -Ing. oec. Dieter Angermann, Dipl. -Math. Johannes Frotscher, Dipl. -Ing. oec. Horst Facklam, Ing. Hans-Hennry Herbig, Dipl. -Math. Dr. rer. oec. Helmut Jüttler, Dipl. -Math. Dr. rer. oec. Dieter Schreiter, Dipl. -Math. Dietrich Schubert, Dipl. -Math. Sigrid Schwetlick, Dipl. -Math. Rainer Weber, Dipl. -Math. Heinz Werner, Dipl. -Wi. -Math. Gottfried Wildenhain (auth.), Ing. Kurt Heidenreich (eds.), 1968
Simulationsmodelle für ökonomisch-organisatorische Probleme
Dipl.-Math. Dr. rer. oec. Dieter Schreiter, Dipl.-Math. Dietrich Schubert, Dipl.-Math. Johannes Frotscher, Dipl.-Math. Rainer Weber (auth.), Dr. phil. Christa Hülm (eds.), 1968
Cooperative Information Agents VIII: 8th International Workshop, CIA 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-29, 2004. Proceedings
Chris Giannella, Ruchita Bhargava, Hillol Kargupta (auth.), Matthias Klusch, Sascha Ossowski, Vipul Kashyap, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2004
Cooperative Information Agents VIII: 8th International Workshop, CIA 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-29, 2004. Proceedings
Chris Giannella, Ruchita Bhargava, Hillol Kargupta (auth.), Matthias Klusch, Sascha Ossowski, Vipul Kashyap, Rainer Unland (eds.), 2004
One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations
Klaus-Jochen Engel, Rainer Nagel (auth.), 2000
One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations
Klaus-Jochen Engel, Rainer Nagel (auth.), 2000
Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution Equations
Giuseppe Da Prato, Peer C. Kunstmann, Lutz Weis, Irena Lasiecka, Alessandra Lunardi, Roland Schnaubelt (auth.), Mimmo Iannelli, Rainer Nagel, Susanna Piazzera (eds.), 2004
Functional analytic methods for evolution equations
Giuseppe Da Prato, Peer C. Kunstmann, Lutz Weis, Irena Lasiecka, Alessandra Lunardi, Roland Schnaubelt (auth.), Mimmo Iannelli, Rainer Nagel, Susanna Piazzera (eds.), 2004
Functional Analytic Methods for Evolution Equations
Giuseppe Da Prato, Peer C. Kunstmann, Lutz Weis, Irena Lasiecka, Alessandra Lunardi, Roland Schnaubelt (auth.), Mimmo Iannelli, Rainer Nagel, Susanna Piazzera (eds.), 2004
Hyperion — terra incognita: Expeditionen in Holderlins Roman
Rainer Nägele (auth.), Hansjörg Bay (eds.), 1998
Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS 2008: 21st International Conference, Dresden, Germany, February 25-28, 2008. Proceedings
Theo Ungerer (auth.), Uwe Brinkschulte, Theo Ungerer, Christian Hochberger, Rainer G. Spallek (eds.), 2008
1 × 1 der Psychopharmaka: Grundlagen, Standardtherapien und neue Konzepte
Dr. Margot Schmitz, Dr. Rainer Dorow (auth.), 1996
Erfolgsfaktoren von Mergers & Acquisitions in der europäischen Telekommunikationsindustrie
Rainer Lenhard (auth.), 2009
DDR und Osteuropa: Wirtschaftssystem, Wirtschaftspolitik, Lebensstandard. Ein Handbuch
Dr. rer. pol. Jochen Bethkenhagen, Dr. rer. pol. Doris Cornelsen, Dr. rer. pol. Hans-Erich Gramatzki, Dr. rer. pol. Hans-Hermann Höhmann, Dr. rer. pol. Rainer Hopf, Dr. rer. pol. Horst Lambrecht, Ing. Maria Lodahl, Dr. rer. pol. Heinrich Machowski, Dr. rer. pol. Manfred Melzer, Dr. rer. pol. Maria Elisabeth Ruban, Dr. rer. pol. Angela Scherzinger, Dr. rer. pol. Cord Schwartau, Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Vortmann (auth.), 1981