کتاب های Usik Lee

Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters: Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models
Danilo Mandic, Vanessa (Su Lee) Goh, 2009
Subband Adaptive Filtering: Theory and Implementation
Kong-Aik Lee, Woon-Seng Gan, Sen M. Kuo, 2009
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 14th International Conference, ACIVS 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, September 4-7, 2012. Proceedings
Deokwoo Lee, Hamid Krim (auth.), Jacques Blanc-Talon, Wilfried Philips, Dan Popescu, Paul Scheunders, Pavel Zemčík (eds.), 2012
Adaptive Navigation Control for Swarms of Autonomous Mobile Robots
Nishimura, Yasuhiro; Lee, Geunho; Chong, Nak Young; Ji, Sang Hoon; Cho, Young-Jo, 2011
Becoming Insomniac: How Sleeplessness Alarmed Modernity
Lee Scrivner (auth.), 2014
Future Generation Information Technology: Second International Conference, FGIT 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, December 13-15, 2010. Proceedings
Hojjat Adeli (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Young-hoon Lee, Byeong-Ho Kang, Dominik Ślęzak (eds.), 2010
Future Generation Information Technology: Second International Conference, FGIT 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, December 13-15, 2010. Proceedings
Hojjat Adeli (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Young-hoon Lee, Byeong-Ho Kang, Dominik Ślęzak (eds.), 2010
Future Generation Information Technology: Second International Conference, FGIT 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, December 13-15, 2010. Proceedings
Hojjat Adeli (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Young-hoon Lee, Byeong-Ho Kang, Dominik Ślęzak (eds.), 2010
Grid and Distributed Computing: International Conference, GDC 2011, Held as Part of the Future Generation Information Technology Conference, FGIT 2011, Jeju Island, Korea, December 8-10, 2011. Proceedings
Seong-Ran Lee, Kwang-Hwan Kim (auth.), Tai-hoon Kim, Hojjat Adeli, Hyun-seob Cho, Osvaldo Gervasi, Stephen S. Yau, Byeong-Ho Kang, Javier García Villalba (eds.), 2011
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education
Hiroshi Fujita, Yoshihiko Hashimoto, Bernard R. Hodgson, Peng Yee Lee, S. Lerman, Toshio Sawada, 2004
Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Mathematical Education: 2000 Makuhari Japan
Hiroshi Fujita, Yoshihiko Hashimoto, Bernard R. Hodgson, Peng Yee Lee, Stephen Lerman, Toshio Sawada (eds.), 2004
Clinical Problems in Oncology: A Practical Guide to Management
Sing Yu Moorcraft, Daniel Lee, David D. Cunningham, 2014
Dogged Pursuit
Lee Charles Kelley, 2006
Like a Dog With a Bone
Lee Charles Kelley, 2007
Like a Dog With a Bone
Lee Charles Kelley, 2007
To Collar a Killer
Lee Charles Kelley, 2004
To Collar a Killer
Lee Charles Kelley, 2004
Twas the Bite Before Christmas
Lee Charles Kelley, 2005
Remote Sensing in Exploration Geology: Golden, Colorado to Washington, D.C., June 30-July 8, 1989
Pamela Elizabeth Clark, Michael Lee Rilee (auth.)
Land Change Science: Observing, Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth’s Surface
Emilio F. Moran, David L. Skole, B. L. Turner II (auth.), Dr. Garik Gutman, Anthony C. Janetos, Christopher O. Justice, Dr. Emilio F. Moran, John F. Mustard, Ronald R. Rindfuss, David Skole, Billy Lee Turner II, Mark A. Cochrane (eds.), 2004
Paediatrics and child health
Mary Rudolf; Tim Lee, (Pediatrician); Malcolm I Levene, 2011
Expertddx: Ultrasound
Anil T. Ahuja, James F. Griffith, Deborah Levine, Gregory E. Antonio, Winnie C.W. Chu, K. T. Wong, Yolanda Y.P. Lee, 2010
Advanced Methods, Techniques, and Applications in Modeling and Simulation: Asia Simulation Conference 2011, Seoul, Korea, November 2011, Proceedings
Sangwon Chae, Soon-Bin Yim, Youngshin Han (auth.), Jong-Hyun Kim, Kangsun Lee, Satoshi Tanaka, Soo-Hyun Park (eds.), 2012