کتاب های V. A. Shapiro

Disordered Vertebral and Rib Morphology in Pudgy Mice: Structural Relationships to Human Congenital Scoliosis
Frederic Shapiro (auth.), 2016
Deixando O Seu Passado no Passado
Francine Shapiro, 2015
The Miracle Myth: Why Belief in the Resurrection and the Supernatural Is Unjustified
Lawrence Shapiro, 2016
Readings On The Moral Foundations of Politics, First Edition
Ian Shapiro, 2016
Song of the Stubborn One Thousand: The Watsonville Canning Strike, 1985-87
Peter Shapiro, 2016
After the Future: Postmodern Times and Places
Gary Shapiro, 1990
The Camp of the Saints
Raspail, Jean; Shapiro, Norman R., 1995
The Speaking Self: Language Lore and English Usage: Second Edition
Michael Shapiro (auth.), 2017
The Identification, Assessment, and Treatment of Adults Who Abuse Animals: The AniCare Approach
Kenneth Shapiro, Antonia J.Z. Henderson (auth.), 2016
Nietzsche’s Earth: Great Events, Great Politics
Gary Shapiro, 2016
Windows 10 Bible
Rob Tidrow, Jim Boyce , Jeffrey R. Shapiro, 2015
Cyclic Phenomena for Composition Operators
Paul S. Bourdon, Joel H. Shapiro, 1997
Exotic Cluster Structures on Sl N: The Cremmer-gervais Case
M. Gekhtman, M. Shapiro, A. Vainshtein, 2017
L Functions for the Orthogonal Group
D. Ginzburg, I. I. Piatetskii-Shapiro, Stephen Rallis, 1997
Singular Quasilinearity and Higher Eigenvalues
Victor L. Shapiro, 2001
Topics in Fourier and Geometric Analysis
Victor L. Shapiro, 1968
The Schwarz Function and Its Generalization to Higher Dimensions
Harold S. Shapiro, 1992
A Fixed-Point Farrago
Joel H. Shapiro, 2016
The Screaming Eagles The 101st Airborne Division in World War II
Milton J. Shapiro, 1976
Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth
Ben Shapiro, 2004
Explorer Race and Isis
Robert Shapiro, 2001
The Explorer Race and Jesus
Robert Shapiro, Jun 1, 2002
Astrology: Planet Personalities and Signs Speak
Robert Shapiro, Apr 1, 2010
Probability and Certainty in Seventeenth Century England
Barbara J. Shapiro, 1985