کتاب های V. D. (editor)

Sprachliche und kommunikative Praktiken
Arnulf Deppermann (editor); Helmuth Feilke (editor); Angelika Linke (editor), 2016
Gewusst wo! Wissen schafft Räume: Die Verortung des Denkens im Spiegel der Druckgrafik
Katharina Bahlmann (editor); Elisabeth Oy-Marra (editor); Cornelia Schneider (editor), 2008
Reformation und Moderne: Pluralität – Subjektivität – Kritik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Halle (Saale), März 2017
Jörg Dierken (editor); Arnulf von Scheliha (editor); Sarah Schmidt (editor), 2018
Handbuch Sprache in der Bildung
Jörg Kilian (editor); Birgit Brouër (editor); Dina Lüttenberg (editor), 2016
Text - Material - Medium: Zur Relevanz editorischer Dokumentationen für die literaturwissenschaftliche Interpretation
Wolfgang Lukas (editor); Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth (editor); Madleen Podewski (editor), 2014
Kierkegaard's Existential Approach
Arne Grøn (editor); René Rosfort (editor); K. Brian Söderquist (editor), 2017
Altertumskunde – Altertumswissenschaft – Kulturwissenschaft: Erträge und Perspektiven nach 40 Jahren Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde
Heinrich Beck (editor); Dieter Geuenich (editor); Heiko Steuer (editor), 2011
Carbon Composites: Composites with Nanotubes, Nanomaterials, and Graphene Oxide
Eduardo A. Castro (editor), Ann Rose Abraham (editor), A. K. Haghi (editor), 2023
Applied Reliability for Industry 3
David Delaux (editor), Abdelkhalak El Hami (editor), Henri Grzeskowiak (editor), 2023
The Epistolary Renaissance: A Critical Approach to Contemporary Letter Narratives in Anglophone Fiction
Maria Löschnigg (editor); Rebekka Schuh (editor); Knowledge Unlatched (editor), 2018
Japanese American Millennials: Rethinking Generation, Community, and Diversity
Michael Omi (editor), Dana Y. Nakano (editor), Jeffrey Yamashita (editor), 2019
Handbuch Sprache in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik
Vahram Atayan (editor); Thomas Metten (editor); Vasco Alexander Schmidt (editor), 2023
Geschichtsentwürfe und Identitätsbildung am Übergang zur Neuzeit: Band 2 Soziale Gruppen und Identitätspraktiken
Ludger Grenzmann (editor); Udo Friedrich (editor); Frank Rexroth (editor), 2018
Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture
SNF-Projekt (editor), Menelaos Christopoulos (editor), Athina Papachrysostomou (editor), 2017
The Environmental Optimism of Elinor Ostrom
Jordan K. Lofthouse, Peter J. Hill, Shawn Regan, Shane Day, Pierre Desrochers, Joanna Szurmak, Eric C. Edwards, Randy T Simmons (editor), Camille H. Wardle (editor), Megan E. Jenkins (editor), 2020
Ucraina 2022. La storia in pericolo
Franco Cardini (editor), Fabio Mini (editor), Marina Montesano (editor), 2022
The Global Financial Crisis and its Budget Impacts in OECD Nations: Fiscal Responses and Future Challenges
John Wanna (editor), Evert A. Lindquist (editor), Jouke de Vries (editor), 2015
Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture: Aesthetics, Semantics and Function
Annette Haug (editor); Adrian Hielscher (editor); M. Taylor Lauritsen (editor), 2021
Rhapsodic Objects: Art, Agency, and Materiality (1700–2000)
Yaelle Biro (editor); Noemie Etienne (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2021
Thinking with Kierkegaard: Existential Philosophy, Phenomenology, and Ethics
Arne Grøn (editor); Bjarke Mørkøre Stigel Hansen (editor); René Rosfort (editor), 2022
Beyond the Blockade: New Currents in Cuban Archaeology (Caribbean Archaeology and Ethnohistory Series)
Susan Kepecs (editor), L. Antonio Curet (editor), Gabino La Rosa Corzo (editor), 2011
Handbuch Sprache in der Literatur
Anne Betten (editor); Ulla Fix (editor); Berbeli Wanning (editor), 2017
Adolf Endler
Claudia Stockinger (editor), Steffen Martus (editor), Gerrit-Jan Berendse (editor), 2023
Maritime Professions: Issues and Perspectives
Agnieszka Kolodziej-durnas (editor), Frank Sowa (editor), Marie Grasmeier (editor), 2023