کتاب های V. V. Alexandrov

Algebra y análisis de funciones elementales
Alexándrov, V.; Pasichenko, P.; Potápov, M., 1986![Matrix Quantum Mechanics and 2-D String Theory. thesis]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/48498-n.jpg)
Matrix Quantum Mechanics and 2-D String Theory. thesis]
S. Alexandrov
Advances in Polaron Physics
Alexandre S. Alexandrov, Jozef T. Devreese (auth.), 2010
High Tc superconductors and related transition metal oxides: special contributions in honor of K. Alex Muller on the occasion of his 80th birthday
A. S. Alexandrov (auth.), Annette Bussmann-Holder, Hugo Keller (eds.), 2007
High Tc Superconductors and Related Transition Metal Oxides: Special Contributions in Honor of K. Alex Müller on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
A. S. Alexandrov (auth.), Annette Bussmann-Holder, Hugo Keller (eds.), 2007
Computational Science – ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006. Proceedings, Part II
Jean-Charles Matéo-Vélez, Francois Rogier, Frédéric Thivet, Pierre Degond (auth.), Vassil N. Alexandrov, Geert Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot, Jack Dongarra (eds.), 2006
Computational Science – ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006. Proceedings, Part II
Jean-Charles Matéo-Vélez, Francois Rogier, Frédéric Thivet, Pierre Degond (auth.), Vassil N. Alexandrov, Geert Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot, Jack Dongarra (eds.), 2006
Antenna Arrays and Automotive Applications
Victor Rabinovich, Nikolai Alexandrov (auth.), 2013
The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov
Vladimir E. Alexandrov (ed.), 1995
Álgebra y Análisis de Funciones Elementales
M. Potápov - V. Alexándrov - P. Pasichenko, 1986
Three-Dimensional Contact Problems
V. M. Alexandrov, 2001
Upper Bound Limit Load Solutions for Welded Joints with Cracks
Sergey Alexandrov (auth.), 2012
Theory of superconductivity: from weak to strong coupling
A.S Alexandrov, 2003
Theory of superconductivity: from weak to strong coupling
A.S Alexandrov, 2003
Technological Advances in Interactive Collaborative Learning
Nia Alexandrov, 2012
Andrei Bely: The Major Symbolist Fiction
Vladimir E. Alexandrov, 1985
Elastic/Plastic Discs Under Plane Stress Conditions
Sergey Alexandrov (auth.), 2015
Introduction à la théorie des groupes
Pavel Serguéiévitch Alexandrov, 1965
Sur la puissance des ensembles mesurables B 162
Paul Alexandroff (Pavel Alexandrov), 1916
General theory of irregular curves
V.V. Alexandrov, 1989
Advances in Polaron Physics
Alexandre S. Alexandrov, 2010
Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment
Andrei V. Alexandrov, 2004
Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment
Alexandrov A.V., 2004