کتاب های Veit Arlt (editor)

UWG: Band 2 §§ 4-7
Otto Teplitzky (editor); Karl-Nikolaus Peifer (editor); Matthias Leistner (editor), 2013
Die Handlungsfreiheit des Unternehmers: Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven, strafrechtliche und ethische Schranken
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor), 2009
English in Europe: Volume 1 Attitudes towards English in Europe
Andrew Linn (editor); Neil Bermel (editor); Gibson Ferguson (editor), 2015
The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin: Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language, Diversity and Social Space
Theresa Heyd (editor); Ferdinand von Mengden (editor); Britta Schneider (editor), 2019
La critica cinematografica (1946-1948). Antologia
Andrea Torre (editor), Giovanni Ronchini (editor), Andrea Briganti (editor), 2005
Prinzessinnen unterwegs: Reisen fürstlicher Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit
Annette C. Cremer (editor); Anette Baumann (editor); Eva Bender (editor), 2017
Das Erkenntnisproblem in der Philosophie und Wissenschaft der neueren Zeit. Vierter Band
Ernst Cassirer, Birgit Recki (editor), Tobias Berben (editor), Dagmar Vogel (editor), 2000
Judentum und Arbeiterbewegung: Das Ringen um Emanzipation in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Markus Börner (editor); Anja Jungfer (editor); Jakob Stürmann (editor), 2018
Framing Intellectual and Lived Spaces in Early South Asia: Sources and Boundaries
Lucas den Boer (editor); Elizabeth A. Cecil (editor); European Research Council (ERC) (editor), 2020
More Than Money: Real Life Stories of Financial Planning
Justin Castelli (editor), Taylor Schulte (editor), Shanna Due (editor), 2023
Portraying Cicero in Literature, Culture, and Politics: From Ancient to Modern Times
Francesca Romana Berno (editor); Giuseppe La Bua (editor); Patrum Lumen Sustine-Stiftung (PLuS) (editor), 2022
L'identité à travers l'éthique: Nouvelles perspectives sur la formation des identités collectives dans le monde gréco-romain
Ron Naiweld (editor), Daniel Stökl ben ezra (editor), Katell Berthelot (editor)
Logik: Wiener Logikkolleg 1894/95
Kazimierz Twardowski (editor); Arianna Betti (editor); Venanzio Raspa (editor), 2016
The Ethics of Animal Shelters
Valéry Giroux (editor), Kristin Voigt (editor), Angie Pepper (editor), 2023
Archaeologies & Antiquaries: Essays by Dai Morgan Evans
Howard Williams (editor), Kara Critchell (editor), Sheena Evans (editor), 2022
Unternehmenskultur und Wirtschaftsstrafrecht
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor), 2014
Jüdischer Widerstand in Europa (1933-1945): Formen und Facetten
Julius H. Schoeps (editor); Dieter Bingen (editor); Gideon Botsch (editor), 2016
Environmental Policy: New Directions for the Twenty-First Century 11th Edition
Norman J. Vig (Editor), Michael E. Kraft (Editor), Barry G. Rabe (Editor), 2021
Hyblaea: Studi di archeologia e topografia dell'altopiano ibleo
Antonino Cannata (editor), Santino Alessandro Cugno (editor), Marco Stefano Scaravilli (editor), 2022
Doing Gender - Doing Religion: Fallstudien zur Intersektionalität im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam
Ute E. Eisen (editor), Christine Gerber (editor), Angela Standhartinger (editor), 2013
Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant: Studies in Honour of Gabi Mazor
Walid Atrash (editor), Peter Gendelman (editor), Andrew Overman (editor), 2022
Recent Trends in Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory (Contemporary Mathematics)
Jorge Arvesu (editor), Francisco Marcellan (editor), Andrei Martinez-finkelshtein (editor), 2010
Narratives on Translation Across Eurasia and Africa: From Babylonia to Colonial India (Contact and Transmission, 3)
Sonja Brentjes (editor), Jens Hoyrup (editor), Bruce R O'Brien (editor), 2022
Editing and Analysing Numerical Tables: Towards a Digital Information System for the History of Astral Sciences (Ptolemaeus Arabus Et Latinus - Studies, 2)
Mathieu Husson (editor), Clemency Montelle (editor), Benno Van Dalen (editor), 2022