کتاب های Victor V. Rao

Web Application Design Handbook: Best Practices for Web-Based Software (Interactive Technologies)
Susan Fowler, Victor Stanwick, 2004
Web Application Design Handbook= Best Practices for Web Based Software
Susan Fowler, Victor Stanwick, 2004
Basic biomechanics
Margareta Nordin, Victor H Frankel, 2012
A Stability Technique for Evolution Partial Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach
Victor A. Galaktionov, Juan Luis Vázquez (auth.), 2004
Selenium : chemistry, analysis, function and effects
Victor R Preedy (ed.), 2015
Selenium: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects
Victor R Preedy (ed.), 2015
Osteoarthritis : diagnosis and medical/surgical management
Roland W. Moskowitz MD, Roy D. Altman MD, Joseph A. Buckwalter MD, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg MDMPH, 2007
Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and Medical/Surgical Management
Roland W. Moskowitz, Roy D. Altman, Joseph A. Buckwalter, Victor M. Goldberg, Marc C. Hochberg, 2006
Earthquake Engineering for Structural Design
Victor Gioncu, Federico Mazzolani, 2010
Earthquake engineering for structural design
Victor Gioncu; Federico M Mazzolani, 2011
The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake: Revisited
Luiz A. Mendes-Victor, Carlos Sousa Oliveira, Joāo Azevedo, António Ribeiro (auth.), 2009
The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake: Revisited (Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering)
Luiz A. Mendes-Victor, Carlos S. Sousa Oliveira, João Azevedo, António Ribeiro, 2008
1946: The Making of the Modern World
Victor Sebestyen
Universities and Science in the Early Modern Period
Mordechai Feingold, Victor Navarro-Brotons (eds.), 2006
Chocolate in health and nutrition
Patricia L. Crown M.A., Ph.D. (auth.), Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy, Sherma Zibadi (eds.), 2013
Ideology and Social Welfare
Victor George, Profesor Paul Wilding, Paul Wilding, 1990
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in Japan
Victor Sandoval (Eds.), 1994
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in Japan
Victor Sandoval (Eds.), 1994
Bananas and Plantains
Victor G. Saúco, John C. Robinson, 2010
Mini Dental Implants: Principles and Practice, 1e
Victor Dr. Sendax, 2012
Better Business Decisions Using Cost Modeling, Second Edition
Sower, Christopher H.; Sower, Victor E, 2015
Mastering Python Regular Expressions
Félix López, Víctor Romero, 2014
Mastering Python regular expressions
Felix Lopez, Victor Romero, 2014
Mastering Python regular expressions : leverage regular expressions in Python even for the most complex features
López, Félix; Romero, Víctor, 2014