کتاب های Vilenkin N.ya.

De cuántas formas? Combinatoria
N. Vilenkin, 1972
Applications of Harmonic Analysis
I. M. Gel'fand and N. Ya. Vilenkin (Auth.), 1964
Generalized Functions - Vol 5: Integral Geometry and Representation theory
I M Gel'fand (or Gelfand), M I Graev, N Ya Vilenkin, Eugene Saletan, 1966
Generalized Functions, Integral Geometry and Representation Theory
I. M Gel'fand, M. I. Graev, N. Ya. Vilenkin, Eugene Saletan
Generalized Functions, Vol 4, Applications of Harmonic Analysis
I. M.; Vilenkin, N. Ya. Gel'fand
Generalized Functions, Vol. 4: Applications of Harmonic Analysis
I. M.; Vilenkin, N. Ya. Gel'fand, 1964
Combinatorial mathematics for recreation
N. Vilenkin, 1972
Special Functions and the Theory of Group Representations
N. Ja. Vilenkin, 1968
In Search of Infinity
N.IA. Vilenkin, 1995
Functional analysis
N. Ya. Vilenkin, 1972
Functional analysis
N. Ya. Vilenkin, 1972
Functional Analysis
N. Ya. Vilenkin et al., 1972
Functional Analysis
N. Ya. Vilenkin, 1972
Many worlds in one : the search for other universes
Vilenkin, 2006
Cosmic strings and domain walls
A Vilenkin, 1984
Cosmic strings and other topological defects
A. Vilenkin, 1994
Cosmic strings and other topological defects
A Vilenkin, 1994
In Search of Infinity
N.Ya. Vilenkin, 1995
In Search of Infinity
N.Ya. Vilenkin, 1995
Representation of Lie groups and special functions
N.Ja. Vilenkin, 1991
Representation of Lie groups and special functions
N.Ja. Vilenkin, 1992
Representation of Lie groups and special functions
N.Ja. Vilenkin, 1992
Representation of Lie groups and special functions. Recent advances
N.Ja. Vilenkin, 1994
N. Ya. Vilenkin (Auth.), 1971