کتاب های W A Wigram

A Comprehensive Guide to Music Therapy: Theory, Clinical Practice, Research and Training
Tony Wigram, Inge Nygaard Pedersen, Lars Ole Bonde, 2002
The Cradle of Mankind, Life in Eastern Kurdistan
W. A Wigram, 1936
A comprehensive guide to music therapy : theory, clinical practice, research, and training = edited by Stine Lindahl Jacobsen, Inge Nygaard Pedersen and Lars Ole Bonde ; foreword by Helen Odell-Miller.
Lars Ole Bonde (editor); Stine Lindahl Jacobsen (editor); Inge Nygaard Pedersen (editor); Tony Wigram (editor), 2019
Tony Wigram, 高天, 2012
The Assyrians and Their Neighbours
W. Wigram, 2002