کتاب های W. Ammann

Mindfulness for Therapists: Understanding Mindfulness for Professional Effectiveness and Personal Well-Being
Gerhard Zarbock, Siobhan Lynch, Axel Ammann, Silka Ringer, 2015
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: II. Pollination, Gene-Transfer and Population Impacts
Dr. Gösta Kjellsson, Dr. Vibeke Simonsen (auth.), Dr. Gösta Kjellsson, Dr. Vibeke Simonsen, Dr. Klaus Ammann (eds.), 1997
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: III. Ecological risks and prospects of transgenic plants, where do we go from here? A dialogue between biotech industry and science
Alan F. Raybould, Ralph T. Clarke, Alan J. Gray, Lindsay C. Maskell, Rebecca J. Mogg (auth.), Dr. Klaus Ammann, Dr. Yolande Jacot, Dr. Gösta Kjellsson, Dr. Vibeke Simonsen (eds.), 1999
Methods for Risk Assessment of Transgenic Plants: IV. Biodiversity and Biotechnology
Anatole F. Krattiger (auth.), Prof. Dr. Klaus Ammann, Dr. Yolande Jacot, Prof. Dr. Richard Braun (eds.), 2003
Zugversuche an Bewehrungs- und Spannstahl mit erhöhter Dehngeschwindigkeit
Dipl. Ing. Walter Ammann, 1982
Dr. Walter Ammann, 1997
Untersuchungen über das Bruch- und Verformungsverhalten stossbelasteter Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerke
Dipl. Ing Walter Ammann, 1981
Untersuchungen über das Bruch- und Verformungsverhalten stossbelasteter Stahlbeton- und Spannbetontragwerke
Dipl. Ing Walter Ammann, 1981
Credit Risk Valuation: Methods, Models, and Applications
Dr. Manuel Ammann (auth.), 2001
Pricing Derivative Credit Risk
Dr. Manuel Ammann (auth.), 1999
Ammann, 2007
Introduction to Software Testing
Paul Ammann, 2008
Managing dynamic IP networks
Paul T Ammann, 2000
Auswirkungen des Campano-Lucano-Erdbebens vom 23. November 1980
W. Ammann, 1982
Networking-Kompetenz im Job: Psychologisches Kommunikationswissen für Berufseinstieg und Karriere
Katja Mierke, Dominic-Nicolas Gansen-Ammann (auth.), 2017
Introduction to Software Testing
Paul Ammann, Jeff Offutt, 2017
Introduction to Software Testing
Paul Ammann, Jeff Offutt, 2017
The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich
Daniel Ammann, 2010
Live to Tell the Tale: Combat Tactics for Player Characters
Keith Ammann, 2020
(美)Paul Ammann; Jeff Offutt
The PASCAL 'P' Compiler: Implementation Notes
K.V. Nori, U. Ammann, K.Jensen, H. H. Nägeii, 1974
Luis A. Ammann, 1980