کتاب های W. Gray (eds.)

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Meyer, 2001
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th Edition)
Paul R.Gray Paul J.Hurst Stephen H.Lewis Robert G.Meyer, 2001
DirectX 9 Programmable Graphics Pipeline
Kris Gray, 2003
Water contamination emergencies: can we cope?
K.C. Thompson, J. Gray, 2004
Anatomy of the Human Body
F.R.S. Henry Gray, 1936
Bioinformatics for geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Bioinformatics for geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Bioinformatics for geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Bioinformatics for Geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Bioinformatics for Geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Bioinformatics for Geneticists
Michael R. Barnes, Ian C. Gray, 2003
Charge Transfer in DNA: From Mechanism to Application
Hans-Achim Wagenknecht, Harry Gray, 2005
Impact of E-commerce on Consumers And Small Firms
Salvatore Zappala, Colin Gray, 2006
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen, Donald J. Gray, 2000
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Formal Category Theory: Adjointness for 2-Categories
J.W. Gray, 1974
Formal Category Theory: Adjointness for 2-Categories
Gray J.W., 1974
An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing
Robert M. Gray, Lee D. Davisson, 2010
An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing
Gray R.M., Davisson L.D., 1999