کتاب های Walt Crawford

The Andean Wonder Drug: Cinchona Bark and Imperial Science in the Spanish Atlantic, 1630-1800
Matthew James Crawford, 2016
Rhetoric in Financial Discourse: A Linguistic Analysis of ICT-Mediated Disclosure Genres
Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli, 2013
Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law
James Crawford, 2012
Deadly Companions: How Microbes Shaped our History
Dorothy H. Crawford, 2018
Conversion and Christianity in the North Sea World: The Proceedings of a Day Conference Held on 21st February 1998
Barbara E. Crawford (ed.), 1998
Trout Talk
Lesley Crawford, 2000
The Cambridge Companion to International Law
James Crawford, Martti Koskenniemi, 2012
Corporate finance and financial strategy
Crawford, Ian Peter; Davies, Tony, 2014
century 21 keyboarding and information processing
Jerry W. Robinson , Jack P. Hoggatt, Jon A. Shank , Lee R. Beaumont, T. James Crawford, 2010
The Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers: The Complete Personology Reference Guide
Saffi Crawford, Geraldine Sullivan, 1998
The Mommie Dearest Collection: Two Memoirs of Survival
Christina Crawford, 2017
Nostalgia for the Present: Ethnography and Photography in a Moroccan Berber Village
David Crawford; Bart Deseyn; Abdelkrim Bamouh, 2014
Encountering Morocco: Fieldwork and Cultural Understanding
David Crawford, Rachel Newcomb, Kevin Dwyer, 2013
Development and Diversity: Language Variation Across Time and Space
Jerold A. Edmondson, Crawford Feagin, Peter Mühlhäusler, 1990
The International Law Commission´s Articles on State Responsibility
James Crawford, 2002
The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism
Crawford Brough Macpherson, 1962
Constitutionalism in the Americas
Colin Crawford (Editor), Daniel Bonilla Maldonado (Editor), 2018
Principles of Biotechnology
Christina A. Crawford (ed.), 2018
International Humanitarian Law
Emily Crawford; Alison Pert, 2015
Video Gamers
Garry Crawford, 2012
Video Games and Culture
Daniel Muriel, Garry Crawford, 2018
Feelings Transformed: Philosophical Theories of the Emotions, 1270-1670
Dominik Perler; Tony Crawford, 2018
Fiber: The Coming Tech Revolution—and Why America Might Miss It
Susan Crawford, 2019