کتاب های Wei Dai Phd (eds.)

Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience: With STUDENT CONSULT Access, 6e
M. J. T. FitzGerald MDPhDDSCMRIA, Gregory Gruener MDMBA, Estomih Mtui MD, 2011
Atlas of Histology with Functional and Clinical Correlations
Dongmei Cui, William Daley, Jonathan D. Fratkin, Duane E. Haines PhD, James C. Lynch, John P. Naftel, Gongchao Yang, 2010
Uropathology: A Volume in the High Yield Pathology Series
Ming Zhou MDPhD, George Netto MD, Jonathan I Epstein, 2012
Basic Physics and Technology of Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound
Matthew Hussey PhD, FInstP (auth.), 1985
Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography
Galen S. Wagner MD, David G. Strauss MDPhD, 2013
Atlas of Sarcoidosis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Clinical Features
Violeta Mihailovic-Vucinic MD, PhD, Om P. Sharma MD, MRCP (Lond.), FACP, FCCP, D.T.M. & H (Eng.) (auth.), 2005
Bonica's Management of Pain
John D. Loeser, Steven H. Butler, C. Richard Chapman, PhD Dennis C. Turk, 2001
Comforting the Confused: Strategies for Managing Dementia, 2nd Edition
Stephanie B. Hoffman PhD, Constance A. Platt MA, 2000
Clinical Ocular Pharmacology
Jimmy D. Bartlett ODDOSScD, Siret D. Jaanus PhDLHD, 2008
Equine Clinical Pharmacology
Joseph Bertone DVMMSDiplo. ACVIM, Linda J. I. Horspool BVMSPhDDipECVPTMRCVS, 2004
40th anniversary volume: Advancing into the 21st century
Marvin Zelkowitz, PhD, MS, BS (editor), 2000
40th anniversary volume: Advancing into the 21st century
Marvin Zelkowitz, PhD, MS, BS (editor), 2000
Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare, 3e
Jane Buckle PhDRN, 2014
Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy
Sue Clarke, BSc (Hons) PhD (Auth.), 2008
Essential Chemistry for Aromatherapy, 2e
Sue Clarke BScPhD, 2009
Access Database Design & Programming
Steven PhD, 2002
Access Database Design & Programming
Steven PhD![Access database design & programming: [what you really need to know to develop with access]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/73728-n.jpg)
Access database design & programming: [what you really need to know to develop with access]
Steven Roman PhD, 1999
Assisted Living Administration: The Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition
James E. Allen MSPHPhDCNHA, 2004
Dictionary of XML Technologies and the Semantic Web
Vladimir Geroimenko PhD, DSc (auth.), 2004
Excel 2007 For Dummies
GregPhD Harvey, 2006
My Story About The Hurricane (Disaster, Recovery Guided Activity Workbook)
Gilbert Kliman, MD, Edward Oklan, Harriet Wolfe, Jodie Kliman, PhD, and John Tieman, 2008
Astronomy 275 Lecture Notes, Spring 2009
Edward L. Wright, Phd, UCLA