کتاب های Wen Hua (editor)

Cyber Security: 17th China Annual Conference, CNCERT 2020, Beijing, China, August 12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Wei Lu (editor), Qiaoyan Wen (editor), Yuqing Zhang (editor), Bo Lang (editor), Weiping Wen (editor), Hanbing Yan (editor), Chao Li (editor), Li Ding (editor), Ruiguang Li (editor), 2021
Databases Theory and Applications: 33rd Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2022, Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 2–4, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13459)
Wen Hua (editor), Hua Wang (editor), Lei Li (editor), 2022
Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios (Latin America Otherwise: Languages, Empires, Nations)
Latina Feminist Group, Aurora Levins Morales (editor), Patricia Zavella (editor), Norma Alarcon (editor), Ruth Behar (editor), Luz del Alba Acevedo (editor), Celia Alvarez (editor), Rina Benmayor (editor), Clara Lomas (editor), Daisy Cocco de Filippis (editor), Gloria Holguin Cuadraz (editor), Liza Fiol-Matta (editor), Yvette Gisele Flores-Ortiz (editor), Mirtha F. Quintanales (editor), Eliana S. Rivero (editor), Caridad Souza (editor), 2002
Selected Studies in Environmental Geosciences and Hydrogeosciences: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-3) (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
Amjad Kallel (editor), Maurizio Barbieri (editor), Jesús Rodrigo-Comino (editor), Helder I. Chaminé (editor), Broder Merkel (editor), Haroun Chenchouni (editor), Jasper Knight (editor), Sandeep Panda (editor), Nabil Khélifi (editor), Ali Cemal Benim (editor), Stefan Grab (editor), Hesham El-Askary (editor), Santanu Banerjee (editor), Riheb Hadji (editor), Mehdi Eshagh (editor), 2023
Vortex Structure and Dynamics: Lectures of a Workshop Held in Rouen, France, April 27–28, 1999 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Agnes Maurel, Jürgen Ehlers (editor), Klaus Hepp (editor), Hans Arwed Weidenmuller (editor), U. Frisch (editor), W. Hillebrandt (editor), D. Imboden (editor), R. Lipowsky (editor), Julius Wess (editor), Robert L. Jaffe (editor), R. Kippenhahn (editor), I. Ojima (editor), R. Beig (editor), H.V. Lohneysen (editor), Philippe Petitjeans (editor), 2000
HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Design, User Experience and Interaction (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Masaaki Kurosu (editor), Sakae Yamamoto (editor), Hirohiko Mori (editor), Marcelo M. Soares (editor), Elizabeth Rosenzweig (editor), Aaron Marcus (editor), Pei-Luen Patrick Rau (editor), Don Harris (editor), Wen-Chin Li (editor), 2022
Routledge Handbook of Academic Knowledge Circulation
Wiebke Keim (editor), Leandro Rodriguez Medina (editor), Rigas Arvanitis (editor), Natacha Bacolla (editor), Chandni Basu (editor), Stéphane Dufoix (editor), Stefan Klein (editor), Mauricio Nieto Olarte (editor), Barbara Riedel (editor), Clara Ruvituso (editor), Gernot Saalmann (editor), Tobias Schlechtriemen (editor), Hebe Vessuri (editor), 2023
Challenges in Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials, Thermomechanics and Infrared Imaging, Time Dependent Materials and Residual Stress: Proceedings of the 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Christian Franck (editor), Karen Kasza (editor), Jon Estrada (editor), Rosa De Finis (editor), Geir Ólafsson (editor), Suhasini Gururaja (editor), Jevan Furmanski (editor), Aaron Forster (editor), Pavan Kolluru (editor), Mike Prime (editor), Tom Berfield (editor), Cahit Aydiner (editor), 2024
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2022 (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)
Mingming Zhang (editor), Jian Li (editor), Bowen Li (editor), Sergio Neves Monteiro (editor), Shadia Ikhmayies (editor), Yunus Eren Kalay (editor), Jiann-Yang Hwang (editor), Juan P. Escobedo-Diaz (editor), John S. Carpenter (editor), Andrew D. Brown (editor), Rajiv Soman (editor), Zhiwei Peng (editor), 2022
Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021 (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)
Jian Li (editor), Mingming Zhang (editor), Bowen Li (editor), Sergio Neves Monteiro (editor), Shadia Ikhmayies (editor), Yunus Eren Kalay (editor), Jiann-Yang Hwang (editor), Juan P. Escobedo-Diaz (editor), John S. Carpenter (editor), Andrew D. Brown (editor), Rajiv Soman (editor), Alex Moser (editor), 2021
Ni-Co 2021: The 5th International Symposium on Nickel and Cobalt (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)
Corby Anderson (editor), Graeme Goodall (editor), Sumedh Gostu (editor), Dean Gregurek (editor), Mari Lundström (editor), Christina Meskers (editor), Stuart Nicol (editor), Esa Peuraniemi (editor), Fiseha Tesfaye (editor), Prabhat K. Tripathy (editor), Shijie Wang (editor), Yuanbo Zhang (editor), 2021
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: 16th International Symposium
Julien Bourgeois (editor), Jamie Paik (editor), Benoît Piranda (editor), Justin Werfel (editor), Sabine Hauert (editor), Alyssa Pierson (editor), Heiko Hamann (editor), Tin Lun Lam (editor), Fumitoshi Matsuno (editor), Negar Mehr (editor), Abdallah Makhoul (editor), 2024
Computer Security. ESORICS 2023 International Workshops: CyberICS, DPM, CBT, and SECPRE, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 25–29, 2023, Revised ... I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14398)
Sokratis Katsikas (editor), Frédéric Cuppens (editor), Nora Cuppens-Boulahia (editor), Costas Lambrinoudakis (editor), Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro (editor), Guillermo Navarro-Arribas (editor), Pantaleone Nespoli (editor), Christos Kalloniatis (editor), John Mylopoulos (editor), Annie Antón (editor), Stefanos Gritzalis (editor), 2024
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2021)
João Rafael da Costa Sanches Galvão (editor), Paulo Sérgio Duque de Brito (editor), Filipe dos Santos Neves (editor), Flávio Gabriel da Silva Craveiro (editor), Henrique de Amorim Almeida (editor), Joel Oliveira Correia Vasco (editor), Luís Miguel Pires Neves (editor), Ricardo de Jesus Gomes (editor), Sandra de Jesus Martins Mourato (editor), Vânia Sofia Santos Ribeiro (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021: 21st International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 13–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12953)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Sanjay Misra (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Ivan Blečić (editor), David Taniar (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Eufemia Tarantino (editor), Carmelo Maria Torre (editor), 2021
Euripides: Commentaria, marginalia, lexica
Guido Bastianini (editor), Daniela Colomo (editor), Francesca Maltomini (editor), Fausto Montana (editor), Franco Montanari (editor), Serena Perrone (editor), Cornelia Römer (editor), Kathleen McNamee (editor), Elena Esposito (editor), Marco Stroppa (editor), 2023
Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis
Richard Jiang (editor), Danny Crookes (editor), Hua-Liang Wei (editor), Li Zhang (editor), Paul Chazot (editor), 2022
Computational Intelligence Methods for Green Technology and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the International Conference GTSD2020
Yo-Ping Huang (editor), Wen-June Wang (editor), Hoang An Quoc (editor), Le Hieu Giang (editor), Nguyen-Le Hung (editor), 2020
Language Aptitude: Advancing Theory, Testing, Research and Practice
Zhisheng (Edward) Wen (editor), Peter Skehan (editor), Adriana Biedroń (editor), Shaofeng Li (editor), Richard L. Sparks (editor), 2019
Language Aptitude: Advancing Theory, Testing, Research and Practice
Zhisheng (Edward) Wen (editor), Peter Skehan (editor), Adriana Biedroń (editor), Shaofeng Li (editor), Richard L. Sparks (editor), 2019
Computational Intelligence Methods for Green Technology and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the International Conference GTSD2022 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 567)
Yo-Ping Huang (editor), Wen-June Wang (editor), Hoang An Quoc (editor), Hieu-Giang Le (editor), Hoai-Nam Quach (editor), 2022
Deep Generative Models, and Data Augmentation, Labelling, and Imperfections
Sandy Engelhardt (editor), Ilkay Oksuz (editor), Dajiang Zhu (editor), Yixuan Yuan (editor), Anirban Mukhopadhyay (editor), Nicholas Heller (editor), Sharon Xiaolei Huang (editor), Hien Nguyen (editor), Raphael Sznitman (editor), 2021
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2021: 21st International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 13–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Osvaldo Gervasi (editor), Beniamino Murgante (editor), Sanjay Misra (editor), Chiara Garau (editor), Ivan Blečić (editor), David Taniar (editor), Bernady O. Apduhan (editor), Ana Maria A. C. Rocha (editor), Eufemia Tarantino (editor), 2021
Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples
Janos J. Bogardi (editor), Joyeeta Gupta (editor), K. D. Wasantha Nandalal (editor), Léna Salamé (editor), Ronald R.P. van Nooijen (editor), Navneet Kumar (editor), Tawatchai Tingsanchali (editor), Anik Bhaduri (editor), Alla G. Kolechkina (editor), 2021