کتاب های West, A.

Yenching University and Sino-Western Relations, 1916–1952
Philip West, 1976
Network+ Guide to Networks
Jill West, Tamara Dean, Jean Andrews
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, Teresa Pitnam, 2010
Predictability of Fluid Motions
Greg Holloway; Bruce J. West, 1984
The Immortal Cell: One Scientist’s Quest to Solve the Mystery of Human Aging
Michael D. West, 2003
I Still Cant Speak English
Jason West, 2013
CompTIA A+ Guide to Hardware: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting
Jean Andrews, Joy Dark, Jill West, 2016
Spiritual Issues in Therapy: Relating Experience to Practice
William West (auth.), 2004
Larsen Embriologia Humana
Gary C. Schoenwolf, PhD, Steven B. Bleyl, MD, PhD, Philip R. Brauer, PhD and Philippa H. Francis-West, PhD, 2016
Mill’s ’Utilitarianism’: A Reader’s Guide
Henry R. West, 2007
Melville Among the Philosophers
Corey McCall,Tom Nurmi,Cornel West
Elements of a Philosophy of Technology: On the Evolutionary History of Culture (Posthumanities)
Ernst Kapp, Jeffrey West Kirkwood, Leif Weatherby (translated / Lauren K. Wolfe), 2018
New Perspectives on the Black Intellectual Tradition
Keisha N. Blain, Christopher Cameron, Ashley Farmer, Michael West, Celeste Moore, Reena Goldthree, Brandon R. Byrd, Judith Weisenfeld, David Weinfeld, LeRhonda Manigault-Bryant, Pero Dagbovie, Guy Mount, Ibram Kendi, Robin Kelley, Gregory Childs, Russell Rickford, 2018
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones - The Visual Dictionary
David West Reynolds, 2002
The 50 Home Makeover
Shaunna West, 2014
The Santa Fe TASI-87: Proceedings of the 1987 Theoretical Advanced Study Institute in Elementary Particle Physics (Sante Fe, New Mexico, July 5 — August I, 1987)
Richard Slansky (Editor), Geoffrey West (Editor), 1988
Carmina Anacreontea
West, Martin L., 1984