کتاب های Wing Kai Hon (editor)

The Handbook of Historical Linguistics
Brian D. Joseph (Editor); Richard D. Janda (Editor), 2003
Meccanicismo. Riflessioni interdisciplinari su un paradigma teorico
Berenice Cavarra (editor), Vallori Rasini (editor), 2020
Fragmente einer Geschichte der griechischen Komödie = Fragmentary history of Greek comedy
Stylianos Chronopoulos (editor); Christian Orth (editor), 2015
Demographic Change and the Family in Japan's Aging Society
John W. Traphagan (editor), John Knight (editor), 2003
Discerning Ethics: Diverse Christian Responses to Divisive Moral Issues
Hak Joon Lee (editor), Tim Dearborn (editor), 2020
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on historical principles. Volume I A-M
Lesley Brown (editor), William Little (editor), 1993
The Invisible Constitution in Comparative Perspective
Rosalind Dixon (editor), Adrienne Stone (editor), 2018
Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn?
Lloyd S. Davis (editor), Robert G. Patman (editor), 2015
«Mercatura è arte». Uomini d'affari toscani in Europa e nel Mediterraneo tardomedievale
Lorenzo Tanzini (editor), Sergio Tognetti (editor), 2011
Scrivere il Medioevo. Lo spazio, la santità, il cibo
Bruno Laurioux (editor), Laurence Moulinier Brogi (editor), 2001
Simboli della politica
Francesco Benigno (editor), Luca Scuccimarra (editor), 2010
Sulle orme di Jean Coste. Roma e il suo territorio nel tardo Medioevo
Paolo Delogu (editor), Anna Esposito (editor), 2009
Una storiografia inattuale? Giovanni Miccoli e la funzione civile della ricerca storica
Giuseppe Battelli (editor), Daniele Menozzi (editor), 2005
American Higher Education: A Documentary History
Richard Hofstadter (editor), Wilson Smith (editor), 1961
The Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary
Jonathan Bunt (editor), Gillian Hall (editor), 2000
New Frontiers in Truth
Stefano Caputo (editor), Massimo Dell'Utri (editor), 2014
Biodiversity and biogeography of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Volume 2
Hideki Takahashi (editor); Masahiro Ôhara (editor);, 2006
Biodiversity and biogeography of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. Volume 3
Masahiro Ôhara (editor); Hideki Takahashi (editor);, 2003
Picturing Death 1200–1600
Stephen Perkinson (editor), Noa Turel (editor), 2020
Der soziale Rechtsstaat: Gedächtnisschrift für Hermann Heller, 1891-1933
Christoph Müller (Editor); Ilse Staff (Editor); Wolfgang Abendroth; Stephan Albrecht; Angelo Bolaffi; Fritz Borinski; Jürgen Fijalkowski; Ernesto Garzon Valdés; Gerhard Haney; Eike Hennig; Volker Hentschel; Andreas Kaiser; Ellen Kennedy; Josef Kühne; Norbert Leser; Antonio Lopez Pina; Eberhard Lämmert; Wolfgang Luthardt; Ingeborg Maus; Jürgen Meinck; Klaus Meyer; Pasquale Pasquino; Stanley L. Paulson; Ulrich Penski; Pier Paolo Portinaro; Ingo Richter; Gerhard Robbers; Dian Schefold; Wolfga, 1984
Pensar la compasión
Miguel García-Baró López (editor), Alicia Villar Ezcurra (editor), 2008
Cultura y desarrollo: una visión distinta desde los jóvenes
Néstor García Canclini (editor), Maritza Urteaga Castro Pozo (editor), 2011
Stories of illness and healing : women write their bodies
Sayantani DasGupta (editor); Marsha Hurst (editor), 2007
The Legacy of Kenneth Burke
Herbert W. Simons (editor), Trevor Melia (editor), 1989