کتاب های World Bank
درباره نویسنده

Agriculture in Nicaragua: Promoting Competitiveness and Stimulating Broad-Based Growth
World Bank Group, Policy World Bank, 2003
Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV. Five Years of Experience from Sub-Saharan Africa
Donald Bundy,Anthi Patrikios,Changu Mannathoko, et al.The World Bank|The World Bank||Adult NonfictionHealth &, 2010
Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018: Foreign Investor Perspectives and Policy Implications
World Bank World Bank Group, 2017
Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness : Evaluative Lessons from World Bank Group Experience
World Bank; World Bank Publications,, 2011
World Resources 2005: The Wealth of the Poor: Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty (World Resources)
United Nations Development Programme United Nations Environment Programme World Bank World Resources, 2005
La qualité des services de santé : Un impératif mondial en vue de la couverture santé universelle
OECD; World Health Organization; World Bank Group, 2019
Global Financial Development Report 2017/2018: Bankers Without Borders
World World Bank, 2017
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018: From World Development Indicators
World World Bank, 2018
Strategic Environmental Assessment in Policy and Sector Reform: Conceptual Model and Operational Guidance
World Bank, University of Gothenburg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, The Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment, 2011
Case studies in participatory irrigation management, Page 273
David Groenfeldt, Mark Svendsen, World Bank, 2000
Development issues: presentations to the 50th Meeting of the Development Committee, Washington, D.C., April 27, 1995
Development Committee, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, 1995
Armenia: the challenge of reform in the agricultural sector
Csaba Csáki, World Bank, 1995
Angola: Oil, Broad-based Growth, and Equity
World Bank, 2007
Addressing HIV/AIDS in East Asia and the Pacific
World Bank, 2004
A Guide to the World Bank, Second Edition
World Bank, 2007
Argiculture Investment Sourcebook: Agriculture and Rural Development
The World Bank, 2005
Duckweed Aquaculture: A New Aquatic Farming System for Developing Countries
Paul Skillicorn, William Spira, William Journey, World Bank, 1993
Doing Business 2011: Making a Difference for Entrepreneurs - Armenia
World Bank, 2010
Vetiver grass: the hedge against erosion, Volume 64
John C. Greenfield, World Bank, 1990
World Congress on Communication for Development: Lessons, Challenges and the Way Forward (Development in Practice)
FAO, World Bank, The Communication Initiative, 2007