کتاب های Xenophon.

Opera omnia: Tomus V. Opuscula: Hiero. Agesilaus. De re publica Lacedaemoniorum. De vectigalibus. Hipparchicus. De re equestri. Cynegeticus. Atheniensium respublica. Scholia.
Xenophon; Pseudo-Xenophon; Edgar Cardew Marchant, 1920
A History of My Times
Xenophon & Rex Warner, 2010
Pitfalls in Human Research. Ten Pivotal Points
Theodore Xenophon Barber, Arnold P. Goldstein, 1976
Xenophon., 1987
Anabasis / Der Zug der Zehntausend: Griechisch - Deutsch
Xenophon, 2011
Cyropaedia, The Institution of Cyrus & The Hellenics
Xenophon, 1880
Cyropaedia. Volume 1 (Loeb Classical Library No. 51)
Xenophon, 1960
Cyropaedia. Volume 2 (Loeb Classical Library No. 52)
Xenophon, 1914
Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus
Xenophon, 2008
Cyropédie ou histoire de Cyrus
Xénophon (tr. par Pierre Chambry)
Erinnerungen an Sokrates.
Xenophon, 1987
Expedition of Cyrus
Xenophon, 2005
Kyrupädie : die Erziehung des Kyros : griechisch-deutsch
Xenophon., 1992
Les Voyages de Cyrus, avec un Discours sur la Mythologie (2 volumes in 1)
M. Ramsay (tr. de livre de Xenophon), 1747
Memorabilia, or the Recollections
Socrates (Arguments of the Philosophers)
Gerasimos Xenophon Santas, 1983
State-of-the-Art in Content-Based Image and Video Retrieval
Xenophon Zabulis, 2001
The Anabasis of Cyrus
Xenophon, 2008
The Expedition of Cyrus (Oxford World's Classics)
Xenophon, 2005
The Persian Expedition
Xenophon &
Xenophon - A History of My Times
Xenophon, 1979
Xenophon: Anabasis Books I-VII (Loeb Classical Library)
Xenophon, 1960