کتاب های York Norman

Tarnsman of Gor
John Norman, 2001
Understanding Cancer: A Patient's Guide to Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment
C. Norman Coleman MD, 2006
Process Equipment Malfunctions: Techniques to Identify and Correct Plant Problems
Norman Lieberman, 2011
Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: the Emerging Landscape
Norman K. Denzin (ed.), 2011
Blue-Ribbon Papers: Behind the Professional Mask: The Autobiographies of Leading Symbolic Interactionists
Norman K. Denzin (ed.), 2012
Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials
Norman K. Denzin, 1998
Interpretive Ethnography: Ethnographic Practices for the 21st Century
Norman K. Denzin, 1996
Qualitative Inquiry and Human Rights
Norman K. Denzin, 2010
Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Evidence
Norman K. Denzin, 2008
Qualitative Inquiry Outside the Academy
Norman K. Denzin, 2014
Revisiting Symbolic Interaction in Music Studies and New Interpretive Works
Norman K. Denzin (ed.), 2014
Searching for Yellowstone: Race, Gender, Family, and Memory in the Postmodern West
Norman K. Denzin, 2008
An Introduction to High Reliability Soldering and Circuit Board Repair
Norman Ahlhelm, 2013
Challenging False Logic Puzzles
Norman D. Willis, 1997
Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine
Donald A. Norman, 1993
Handbook of Finite Translation Planes
Norman Johnson, 2007
Handbook of finite translation planes
Johnson, Norman Lloyd, 2007
Handbook of Finite Translation Planes (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Norman Johnson, 2007
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke deutscher Cloud-Anbieter: HMD Best Paper Award 2013
Norman Pelzl, 2014