کتاب های Yue Dong

Advances in Data and Web Management: Joint 9th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2007, and 8th International Conference, on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2007, Huang Shan, China, June 16-18, 2007. Proceedings
Christos Faloutsos (auth.), Guozhu Dong, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang, Yun Yang, Jeffrey Xu Yu (eds.), 2007
Advances in Data and Web Management: Joint 9th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2007, and 8th International Conference, on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2007, Huang Shan, China, June 16-18, 2007. Proceedings
Christos Faloutsos (auth.), Guozhu Dong, Xuemin Lin, Wei Wang, Yun Yang, Jeffrey Xu Yu (eds.), 2007
Advances in Technology and Management: Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Technology and Management (ICTAM 2012), International Convention Center Jeju, Jeju-Island, Korea
Lianfang Zhu, Ligang Dong, Chuanhuang Li (auth.), Haenakon Kim (eds.), 2012
A complete proof of the Poincare and geometrization conjectures - application of the Hamilton-Perelman theory of the Ricci flow
Huai-Dong Cao, Xi-Ping Zhu., 2006
China's Super Psychics
Paul Dong, Thomas E. Raffill, Ph. D. Karen S. Kramer, 1997
Dietary Modulation of Cell Signaling Pathways (Oxidative Stress and Disease)
Zigang Dong, Young-Joon Surh, 2008
Environmental Microbiology, Second Edition
Ralph Mitchell, Ji-Dong Gu, 2009
Data Mining in Biomedicine Using Ontologies (Artech House Series Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging)
Mihail Popescu, Dong Xu, 2009
Advanced Data Mining and Applications: First International Conference, ADMA 2005, Wuhan, China, July 22-24, 2005. Proceedings
David L. Olson, Desheng Wu (auth.), Xue Li, Shuliang Wang, Zhao Yang Dong (eds.), 2005
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2005: 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Jeju Island, Korea, November 13-16, 2005, Proceedings, Part I
Dong-Gyu Sim (auth.), Yo-Sung Ho, Hyoung Joong Kim (eds.), 2005
Advances in Web-Age Information Management: 4th International Conference, WAIM 2003, Chengdu, China, August 17-19, 2003. Proceedings
Sushil Jajodia (auth.), Guozhu Dong, Changjie Tang, Wei Wang (eds.), 2003
Combinatorial Materials Synthesis
Xiao-Dong Xiang, Ichiro Takeuchi, 2003
Chromatic Polynomials And Chromaticity Of Graphs
F. M. Dong, 2005
Graph Theory: Undergraduate Mathematics
Khee Meng Koh, Fengming Dong, Kah Loon Ng, 2015
An Introduction to Mathematical Finance with Applications: Understanding and Building Financial Intuition
Arlie O. Petters, Xiaoying Dong, 2016
An Introduction to Mathematical Finance with Applications: Understanding and Building Financial Intuition
Arlie O. Petters, Xiaoying Dong (auth.), 2016
Electrophysiological Analysis of Synaptic Transmission
Yan Dong, Nicholas Graziane, 2016
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
Conceptual Modeling for Advanced Application Domains: ER 2004 Workshops CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004. Proceedings
Jihong Guan (auth.), Shan Wang, Katsumi Tanaka, Shuigeng Zhou, Tok-Wang Ling, Jihong Guan, Dong-qing Yang, Fabio Grandi, Eleni E. Mangina, Il-Yeol Song, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2004
3岁决定孩子一生 (A Child's Life Is Decided At The Age Of Three)
董锋杰 (Dong Fengjie), 2012