کتاب های به زبان باستانی یونانی, لاتین

Arianism and Other Heresies
Hill, Edmund; Teske. Roland J.; of Hippo Saint Augustine; Rotelle, John E.; Boulding, Maria, 2001
Expositions of the Psalms, 73-98
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Boulding, Maria; Rotelle, John E., 2002
Homilies on the Gospel of John 1-40
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Fitzgerald, Allan; Hill, Edmund; Ramsey, Boniface, 2009
On Genesis
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Fiedrowicz, Michael; Hill, Edmund; O’Connell, Matthew J.; Rotelle, John E., 2002
Rückläufiger Wortindex zu Vergil - Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis
Ott, Wilhelm, 1974.
Four anti-Pelagian writings
Saint Augustine of Hippo; Collinge, William J.; Mourant, John Arthur, 2013
Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. Volumen I: A - F
Thomas Kaeppeli, 1970
Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. Volumen II: G - I
Thomas Kaeppeli, 1975
Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. Volumen III: I - S
Thomas Kaeppeli, 1980
Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. Volumen IV: T - Z. Praemissis addendis et corrigendis ad volumina I-III
Thomas Kaeppeli; Emilio Panella, 1993
The Trinity, the spectacles, Jewish foods, In praise of purity, Letters
DeSimone, Russell J.; Novatianus., 1974
Opera omnia.
Wier, Johannes, 1660
Pichery, Eugène; Cassian, John; Luibhéid, Colm, 1985
The city of God. Books I-VII
Zema, Demetrius B.; Walsh, Gerald G.; of Hippo Saint Augustine; Gilson, Etienne, 2008
Saint Augustine of Hippo(Vernon J. Bourke (Translator), 1966
Publius Vergilius Maro: Aeneis
Conte, Gian Biagio (ed.), 2019
Les Adages
Érasme de Rotterdam, 2013
Les Adages
Érasme de Rotterdam, 2013
Alphabetum Arabicum cum Isagoge scribendi legendique Arabicè
Jakob Christmann, 1582
Fyrsta Málfrœðiritgerðin - Primus tractatus de grammatica
Anonymous, Ca. 1150
Oxford Latin Dictionary
Glare P.G.W. (editor), 1968-1982
Толковый латинско-русский словарь кардиологических терминов
Кочкарева А.Г., Новодранова В.Ф., 2008
Триезичен учебен речник на медицинските термини
Илиана Илиева
Fragments of Roman poetry, c.60 BC - AD 20
Hollis, A. S., 2009