کتاب های به زبان چینی، ژاپنی

My Beads Style Selection Complex Beads
Shizuya, 2005
Building waves
Kawai, Louise Heal, 2012
神の国. 1 / Kami no kuni.1.
Augustine, 1982
神の国. 2 /Kami no kuni. 2.
Augustine, 1982
神の国. 3 /Kami no kuni. 3.
Augustine, 1983
神の国. 4 /Kami no kuni. 4.
Augustine, 1986
神の国. 5 /Kami no kuni. 5
Augustine, 1991
狂気と王権 (Japanese Edition)
Shoichi Inoue, 1995
Roses roses from my garden
Kazuko Aoki, 2002
Ribbon Embroidery
Китай и Япония, 2001
A personal matter
Kenzaburo Oe &, 1969
Beautiful fighting girl
Saito Tamaki &, 2011
Type 97 Carrier Torpedo Bomber - Tenzan (Mechanism of Military Aircraft 14)
Joshikazu Aono, 2000
Dawn: The Worlds of Final Fantasy
Yoshitaka Amano, 2009
Yoshitaka Amano Maten Acryl Watercolor Pen and Ink
Yoshitaka Amano, 1984
My beloved flat handbag
Okano Rong Zi, 2000
漢日字典 : 粤京日注音 = Chinese character dictionary with Cantonese Mandarin and Japanese pronunciation
Fujitsuka Masakazu hencho., 1993.
Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1995-2003 (Origami Book)
Makoto Yamaguchi (Editor), 2005