کتاب های به زبان چینی، مانچو

尼山薩滿全傳 Ni shan Saman quan chuan / Nišan Saman i yooni bithe
Zhang, Huake, 2007
Gospel of St. Matthew in Manchu
Stepan Lipovt︠s︡ov; British and Foreign Bible Society, 1822
Das "Schamanenbuch" der Sibe-Mandschuren
Giovanni Stary (ed.), 1992.
A Comprehensive Manchu-English Dictionary
Jerry Norman, 2013
ilan gurun-i bithe, ujui dobton (三国演义 1 锡伯文)
lo guwan jung (Luo Guanzhong, 罗贯中), 1985
ilan gurun-i bithe, jaici dobton (三国演义 2 锡伯文)
lo guwan jung (Luo Guanzhong, 罗贯中), 1985
ilan gurun-i bithe, duici dobton (三国演义 4 锡伯文)
lo guwan jung (Luo Guanzhong, 罗贯中), 1985
Manchu Bible - New Testament ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᠨ
coll., 1869
A Concise Manchu-English Lexicon
Norman Jerry, 1978
Manchu-shamanica illustrata : die mandschurische Handschrift 2774 der Tōyōbunka kenkyūsho, Tōkyō Daigaku
Alessandra Pozzi (ed.), 1992
ᡳᠴ᠊ᡝ ᡭ᠊ᠰᡝ. 新約
Contemporary architecture in China : hotels & clubs
Chang, Catherine, 2013
Farmers, Fugitives, Ghosts, and Exploding Grasshoppers: Everyday Life in Horse Race Village, a Tibetan Community on the Yellow River
Rka phug Rdo rje don grub and CK Stuart, 2014
A Student’s Guide to Political Philosophy
Harvey Claflin Mansfield, 2001
文明的冲突 与世界秩序的重建
塞缪尔·亨廷顿 (Samuel P Huntington)
50 Award Winning House
Zelda Liu,Katy Lee, 2012
80后新爸妈育儿经 (Parenting Experience for New Parents Born in 1980s)
刘颖 (Liu Ying), 2010
海上风艺术文丛•岁月流声 - 赵化南剧作选
赵化南,Zhao Huanan
哥德尔证明(Godel's Proof)
内格尔(Ernest Nagel),纽曼(James R. Newman), 1991
耶穌新觀: 尋索歷史耶穌的盲點
James D. G. Dunn, 2007
365夜睡前故事 =365 ye shui qian gu shi
Cui Zhonglei zhu bian, 2009.
A Flock of Fools: Ancient Buddhist Tales of Wisdom and Laughter from the One Hundred Parable Sutra
Saṅghasena, Peter Levitt, Kazuaki Tanahashi, 2004