کتاب های به زبان چینی (تایوان)

线性代数与矩阵论(Linear Algebra and the Theory of Matrices)
许以超(Yichao Xu), 2008
近世代数三百题 (300 Problems in Abstract Algebras)
冯克勤, 章璞 (Keqin Feng, Pu Zhang), 2010
陶哲轩实分析 (Analysis)
陶哲轩 (Terence Tao), 1991
微分动力系统原理(Principles of Differential Dynamical Systems)
张筑生(Zhusheng Zhang), 1987
拓扑空间论(Theory of Topological Spaces)
高国士, 林寿(Guoshi Gao, Shou Lin), 2008
高等几何(Higher Geometry)
周兴和(Xinghe Zhou), 2003
黎曼几何讲义(Lectures on Riemannian Geometry)
忻元龙(Yuanlong Xin), 2010
胡龙彪 黄华新
张钊汉医师著 [赖忠文协助编辑], 2015
The Female Body: An Owner's Manual: A Head-to-Toe Guide to Good Health and Good Looks - at Any Age
Prevention Magazine Health Book Staff, 1996
Asian Highlands Perspectives
various, 2013
中国姓氏辞典 /Zhongguo xing shi ci dian
汪宗虎;陈明远, 1995
启蒙哲学 (The Philosophy of Enlightenment)
卡西尔 (Ernst Cassirer)
古代汉语词典 /Gu dai Han yu ci dian
《古代汉语词典》编写组, 1998
古汉语常用字字典 /Gu Han yu chang yong zi zi dian
王力;岑麒祥;林焘;戴澧;唐作藩;蒋绍愚;张万起;徐敏霞, 2005
3岁决定孩子一生 (A Child's Life Is Decided At The Age Of Three)
董锋杰 (Dong Fengjie), 2012
Android 1.0
Tom Kao, 2008
深入理解计算机系统 Shen ru li jie ji suan ji xi tong = Computer systems ; a programmer's perspective
Randal E. Bryant, David O'Hallaron zhu ; Gong Yili, Lei Yingchun yi.
Digital Image Processing
趣味程序导学 (Visual C++)
董未名, 2002
Atlas of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region/ Series of Chinese Provincial Atlas
Yao Jie Xue Guijiang, 2013