کتاب های به زبان زبان انگلیسی و پالی

Journal of the Pali Text Society
T W Rhys Davids, 1888
The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha
Palihawadana, Mahinda, 1998
A Dictionary of Pali, Part I, a - kh
Margaret Cone, 2001
A Dictionary of Pali. Part II g-n
Margaret Cone, 2010
Dhammapada: la enseñanza de Buda
Trad. Carmen Dragonetti, 2006
Vipaśyanā Viśodhana Vinyāsa, 1999
पालि आलोको (Pali Aloko)
पालि पकासो (Pali Pakaso)
ບາລີເວຢາກຣຓ. ອັກຂຣະວິທີ ວຈີວິພາຄ
coll., 1938
ບາລິເວຢ຺ຢາກຣຓ. ອັກຂຣະວິຘີກາຄທີນຶ່ງ. Pāli Veyyākaraṇa. Akkharavidhi. Grammaire Pālie
Mahā Silā Viravongs, 1996
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Singh Sahib Sant Singh Khalsa
Ecce Romani : a Latin reading program
Scottish Classics Group
Threading My Way: Twenty-Seven Years of Autobiography
Robert Dale Owen, 2018
Semiotics of Virality for an Epidemiology of Meaning - Semiotica della Viralità per un__039;Epidemiologia del senso
Gabriele Marino, Mattia Thibault, 2017
I Discorsi della Fine. Catastrofi, Disastri, Apocalissi
Vincenzo idone Cassone, Bruno Surace, Mattia Thibault
Oxford Latin Dictionary (2nd edition, with OCR) 牛津拉丁语词典(第2版,已OCR)
P. G. W. Glare (ed.), 2012
A grammar of the Kannada Language
F Kittel, 1904
Lontano da Mogadiscio/Far from Mogadishu BILINGUAL EDITION
Shirin Ramzanali Fazel; Simone Brioni (ed.), 2013
First Spanish Reader - A Beginner’s Dual-Language Book
Angel Flores, 1964
Spanish Stories - A Bantam Dual-Language Book
Angel Flores, 1960