کتاب های به زبان انگلیسی، یونانی

A concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal books)
Hatch, Edwin; Redpath, Henry A., 1897
A historical Greek reader: Mycenaean to the Koiné
Stephen Colvin, 2007
Yannis Ritsos: A Selection from the Forties
Yannis Ritsos, 1978
Pythagorean crimes
Michaēlidēs, Teukros, 2008
Chronographiae Quae Theophanis Continuati Nomine Fertur Liber Quo Vita Basilii Imperatoris Amplectitur
Ihor Sevcenko (trans.), 2011
A Greek-English Lexicon
H. G. Liddell, R. Scott, 1940
Aristotle's Poetics: Translated and with a commentary by George Whalley
Whalley, George, 1997
Dedomena: Euclid’s Data or The Importance of Being Given
Christian Marinus Taisbak, 2003
On Aristotle's "Categories 5-6"
Fleet, Barrie, 2001
Fragments: The Collected Wisdom of Heraclitus
Heraclitus (Author), 2003
Etymological Dictionary of Greek (vols. 1 & 2)
Robert Steven Paul Beekes, 2010
Philoponus: On Aristotle "On Coming to be and Perishing 2.5-11"
Kupreeva, Inna, 2005
Philoponus: On Aristotle on the Soul 1.1-2
Eijk, Philip J., 2005
The Greek Language
L. R. Palmer, 2000
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 1-3
Themistius., 2012
Themistius: On Aristotle Physics 1-3
Themistius., 2012
Codex constantinopolitanus Palatii veteris no. 1
E. M. Bruins, 1964
Codex constantonopolitanus palatii veteris no. 1
E. M. Bruins (ed.), 1964
The Learned Banqueters, Volume II: Books 3.106e-5
Athenaeus, 2006
The Learned Banqueters, Volume VI: Books 12-13.594b
Athenaeus, 2010
The Characters of Theophrastus
J. M. Edmonds (ed.), 1967
The Iliad: Volume I-II
Homer; A. T. Murray (trans.), William F. Wyat (rev.), 1999