کتاب های به زبان انگلیسی ایتالیایی

Il tempo dei lupi
Riccardo Rao, 2018
Come organizzare una crociata
Christopher Tyerman, 2018
English from Science
Giuliana Bendelli, 2010
Dante's Inferno : the Indiana critical edition
Dante Alighieri; Musa, Mark, 1995
Dante's Inferno : the Indiana critical edition
Dante Alighieri; Musa, Mark, 1995
A selection of modern Italian poetry in translation
Payne, Roberta L, 2004
A God torn to pieces : the Nietzsche case
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm; Buck, Keith; Fornari, Giuseppe; Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 2013
The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri. / Vol. 1, Inferno
Dante Alighieri, Robert Turner, Robert M. Durling, Ronald L. Martinez, 1996
Dante's Paradiso
Cary, Henry Francis; Dante Alighieri; Doré, Gustave, 2015
A farewell to truth
Gianni Vattimo, William McCuaig, Robert T. Valgenti, 2011
Aer.Macchi C.200
Gianni Cattaneo, 2000
Il Ricco Bottino / The Rich Booty
Hans Werner Neulen, 2000
Autobiography of an aspiring saint
Ferrazzi, Cecilia; Schutte, Anne Jacobson, 1996
Italian For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Teresa L. Picarazzi, Francesca Romana Onofri, Karen Antje Möller, 2011
The Montessori method : the origins of an educational innovation: including an abridged and annotated edition of Maria Montessori's The Montessori method
Montessori, Maria; Gutek, Gerald Lee; Montessori, Maria, 2004
Aristotle : his life and school
Aristotle., 2013
Economia di mercato e democrazia: un rapporto controverso
Raffaele De Mucci (ed.), 2014
The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri : a poetic translation in iambic pentameter and terza rima
Arndt, Stephen Wentworth, 1994
Seven brief lessons on physics
Carnell, Simon, 2015
Factory of strategy : thirty-three lessons on Lenin
Bove, Arianna, 2014
Factory of strategy : thirty-three lessons on Lenin
Bove, Arianna, 2014
Electroweak interactions
Hall, Geoffrey, 2016
Florentine drama for convent and festival : seven sacred plays
Antonia Pulci, 1996