کتاب های به زبان فرانسوی، لاتین

Archimedes in the Middle Ages. III. The Fate of the Medieval Archimedes. Parts i+ii
Marshall Clagett, 1978
Archimedes in the Middle Ages. III. The Fate of the Medieval Archimedes. Part iii
Marshall Clagett, 1978
Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Opera omnia
Augustinus, Aurelius; Migne, Jacques-Paul, 1841/1969
De Arte Cabalistica Libri Tres
Johannes Reuchlin, 1517
Epistolae trium illustrium virorum
Johannes Reuchlin, 1518
Liber Peregrinationis
Jacopo da Verona, ed. Ugo Monneret de Villard, 1950
Liber Spirituum potentissimorum ...
Herpentil, J. G., 1700
Gesammelte Werke Bd. 4.2: De jure naturae et gentium (LIber quintus - Liber octavus)
Pufendorf, Samuel von, 1998
Iohannis Duns Scoti Opera Omnia Vol. II
John Duns Scotus, 1950
Ioanis Duns Scoti Opera Omnia Vol. VII
John Duns Scotus, 1973
Sabbat und Sonntag in der Alten Kirche
Willy Rordorf (Hg.), 1972
Die Entwicklung des Traditionsbegriffs in der Alten Kirche
Willy Rordrof, André Schneider (Hg.), 1983
Opera omnia.
Sedulius, 1848
Diplomata Hungariae antiquissima: accedunt epistolae et acta ad historiam Hungariae pertinentia
Georgius Györffy (ed.), 1992
De mundo nostro sublunari philosophia nova
William Gilbert, 1651
Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry: The Unpublished Manuscripts
De Risi, Vincenzo; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 2016
De arte athletica
Paul Hector Mair, 1550
De arte athletica
Paul Hector Mair, 1550
Avicenna Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina
Avicenna, S. Van Riet, G. Verbeke
Atalanta fugiens
Michael Maier, 1617
Clementis Alexandrini Paedagogus
J C M Marcovich (ed.), 2002