کتاب های به زبان Gondi انگلیسی Telugu هندی

101 Outer Space Projects for the Evil Genius
2001: A Space Odyssey
Arthur C. Clarke, 1968
A Bitangential Interpolation Problem on the Closed Unit Ball for Multipliers of the Arveson Space
Ball J.A., Bolotnikov V., 2003
A Constrained Space Exploration Technology Program: A Review of NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program
Committee to Review NASA 's Exploration Technology Development Program, National Research Council, 2008
A Contribution to the Study of Galactic Dimensions
Shapley H., 1932
A d-person Differential Game with State Space Constraints
Ramasubramanian S., 2007
A Decade of Extrasolar Planets around Normal Stars (Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series)
Mario Livio, Kailash Sahu, Jeff Valenti, 2008
A Decade of Extrasolar Planets around Normal Stars (Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series)
Mario Livio, Kailash Sahu, Jeff Valenti, 2008
A Dictionary of the Space Age
Paul Dickson, 2009
A Jordan Space Curve Which Bounds No Finite Simply Connected Area
Douglas J., 1933
A Lemma on Systems of Knotted Curves
Alexander J. W., 1923
A Matrix Knot Invariant
Alexander J. W., 1933
A Political Space: Reading the Global through Clayoquot Sound
Warren Magnusson, Karena Shaw, 2003
*-Representations of Twisted Generalized Weyl Constructions
Mazorchuk V., 1999
1-twinnings of buildings
Abramenko P., Van Maldeghem H., 2001