انتشارات Éditions Mir

Ambigua commentaires par Dumitru Staniloae (Maximus the Confessor)
St Maxime le Confesseur, 1994
Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings by Letting Yourself Have Them
Tina Gilbertson, 2014
Fraîcheur sans clim' : Le guide des alternatives écologiques
Thierry Salomon, 2004
One and Only: The Untold Story of On the Road
Gerald Nicosia, 2011
One and Only: The Untold Story of On the Road
Gerald Nicosia, 2011
The Lazy Gourmet: Magnificent Meals Made Easy
Robin Donovan, 2011
Les Métamorphoses du calcul: Une étonnante histoire des mathématiques
Gilles Dowek, 2007
Pilotez vos projets en entreprise
Jérôme Savajols, 2007
Puzzles au club des veufs noirs
Isaac Asimov, 1999
L'empereur, c'est moi : Une enfance en autisme
Hugo Horiot, 2013
Chopin, vie et oeuvre
Oussenko S, 2008
Pétrole, une guerre d'un siècle : L'ordre mondial anglo-américain
William Engdahl, 2007
Teaching Information Literacy: 50 Standards-based Exercises for College Students
Joanna M. Burkhardt, 2010
Abode of Love. Growing Up in a Messianic Cult
Kate Barlow, 2006
1001 secrets de Noël
Denise Crolle-Terzaghi, 2010
America as story: historical fiction for middle and secondary schools
Rosemary K. Coffey, 1997
Being analog: creating tomorrow's libraries
Walt Crawford, 1999
Family storytime: twenty-four creative programs for all ages
Rob Reid, 1999
Fang-Tastic Fiction: Twenty-First Century Paranormal Reads
Patricia O"Brien Mathews, 2011
Guide to preservation in acquisition processing
Marsha J. Hamilton, 1993