انتشارات Chandos Publishing

Bioengineering for surgery : the critical engineer-surgeon interface
Drake, James M., 2016
An emergent theory of digital library metadata : enrich then filter
Alemu, Getaneh; Stevens, Brett, 2015
Bush, City, Cyberspace. The Development of Australian Children's Literature Into the 21st Century
John Foster, Ern Finnis and Maureen Nimon (Auth.), 2005
The Information and Knowledge Professional's Career Handbook. Define and Create your Success
Ulla de Stricker and Jill Hurst-Wahl (Auth.), 2011
Business Strategy and Corporate Governance in the Chinese Consumer Electronics Sector
Hailan Yang and Stephen Morgan (Auth.), 2011
A Global Perspective on Private Higher Education
Nair, Chenicheri Sid; Shah, Mahsood, 2016
A Handbook of Digital Library Economics: Operations, Collections And Services
David P. Baker, Wendy Evans, 2013
A Practical Writing Guide for Academic Librarians. Keeping It Short and Sweet
Anne Langley and Jonathan Wallace (Auth.), 2010
Television Versus the Internet. Will Tv Prosper Or Perish As the World Moves Online?
Barrie Gunter (Auth.), 2010
The Google Generation. Are Ict Innovations Changing Information Seeking Behaviour?
Barrie Gunter, Ian Rowlands and David Nicholas (Auth.), 2010
Managing Your Brand: Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians
Julie Still, 2015
Managing Your Brand: Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians
Julie Still, 2015
Applications of Nanoscience in Photomedicine
Michael R. Hamblin, Pinar Avci, 2015
Disaster Recovery for Archives, Libraries and Records Management Systems in Australia and New Zealand
Judith Doig (Auth.), 1997
Records Management and Knowledge Mobilisation. A Handbook for Regulation, Innovation and Transformation
Stephen Harries (Auth.), 2012
Records Management for Museums and Galleries. An Introduction
Charlotte Brunskill and Sarah Demb (Auth.), 2012
How Libraries Make Tough Choices in Difficult Times. Purposeful Abandonment
David Stern (Auth.), 2013
Female Entrepreneurship in East and South-East Asia. Opportunities and Challenges
Philippe Debroux (Auth.), 2010
Australian Library Supervision and Management
Roy Sanders (Auth.), 2004
A Leadership Primer for New Librarians. Tools for Helping Today's Early-Career Librarians Become Tomorrow's Library Leaders
Suzanne Byke and Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen (Auth.), 2008
Becoming a lean library : lessons from the world of technology start-ups
Nelson, Jeremy, 2016
Crisis Information Management. Communication and Technologies
Christine Hagar (Eds.), 2012
Chinese Librarianship in the Digital Era
Conghui Fang (Eds.), 2013