انتشارات Taylor

Against Understanding, Volume 2
Fink, 2014
Drinking water quality and contaminants guidebook
Cotruvo, Joseph A, 2018
AutoCAD 2000i
Ian Mawdsley, 2001
Handbook of automotive power electronics and motor drives
Ali Emadi, 2005
Corrosion and materials in the oil and gas industries
Reza Javaherdashti; Chikezie Nwaoha; Henry Tan, 2013
Advanced bioactive inorganic materials for bone regeneration and drug delivery
Chengtie Wu; Jiang Chang; Yin Xiao, 2013
Colloids in Drug Delivery
Monzer Fanun, 2010
A Conceptual Overview on Sustainable Technologies for the Defluoridation of Drinking Water
S Ayoob; AK Gupta; Venugopal Bhat
Hydroponic Tomatoes
Howard M Resh, 2002
Electromagnetics for electrical machines
Saurabh Kumar Mukerji; Ahmad Shahid Khan; Yatendra Pal Singh, 2015
Basic Electrical Installation Work
Trevor Linsley, 2013
Acoustic analyses using Matlab® and Ansys®
Carl Q Howard; Benjamin S Cazzolato, 2014
Danish. An Essential Grammar, 2nd Edition
Tom Lundskaer-Nielsen, Philip Holmes, 2011
Advanced DC/AC inverters : applications in renewable energy
Fang Lin Luo; Hong Ye, 2013
Biomedical Nanotechnology
Neelina H. Malsch, 2005
Biomedical Nanotechnology
Neelina H. Malsch, 2005
Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology
Peter A Kralchevsky, 2013