انتشارات A.m. Hakkert
درباره انتشارات

Ethos and Pathos from Aristotle to Cicero
Jakob Wisse, 1989
Polis and imperium: studies in honour of Edward Togo Salmon
Evans, James Allan Stewart (ed.), 1974
La materialidad de la escritura en los poemas de Catulo
Emilio Zaina, 2009
Los dorismos del Corpus Bucolicorum
Molinos Tejada, Teresa, 1990
Roman Military Architecture on the Eastern Frontier
Shelagh Gregory, 1995
Roman Military Architecture on the Eastern Frontier
Shelagh Gregory, 1997
Roman Military Architecture on the Eastern Frontier
Shelagh Gregory, 1996
Colour terms in Greek poetry
Eleanor Irwin, 1974
"Lectio philosophorum": Recherches sur l’Ecole de Chartres
Edouard Jeauneau, 1973
Byzantium and the Magyars
Moravcsik, Gyula, 1970
Aristotle’s History of Athenian Democracy
Day, James Hoffman & Chambers, Mortimer H., 1967 (1962)
Hamartia. Tragic Error in Poetics of Aristotle and in Greek Tragedy
J. M. Bremer, 1969
Étude sur la grammaire et le vocabulaire du grec mycénien
C. J. Ruijgh, 1967
The History of Herodotus
Powell, John Enoch, 1967 (1939)
Traditions of Belief in Late Byzantine Demonology
Richard P. H. Greenfield, 1988
Harpocration: Lexeis of the Ten Orators
John J. Keaney, 1991
A commentary on the Phaedrus of Plato,
Gerrit Jacob de Vries, 1969
The siege of Constantinople 1453: seven contemporary accounts
J. R. Melville Jones, 1972
Political Thought in Hellenistic Times
Gerhard Jean Daniël Aalders, 1975
Crassus: A Political Biography.
Bruce A. Marshall, 1976
Das Hellenische Thessalien: landeskundliche und geschichtliche Beschreibung Thessaliens in der hellenischen und römischen Zeit
Stählin, Friedrich, 1967 (1924)
Theocritus' Idyll XVII: a stylistic commentary
Mary Ann Rossi, 1989