انتشارات Academic Pres

Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon
Rick Derksen, 2007
From Present to Past and Back: Papers on Baltic and Slavic Accentology
Roman Sukač, 2011
A Concise Lexicon of Late Biblical Hebrew: Linguistic Innovations in the Writings of the Second Temple Period
Avi Hurvitz; Leeor Gottlieb, Aaron Hornkohl, Emmanuel Mastéy, 2014
A Dictionary of Samaritan Aramaic (2 vols.) — מילון הארמית שׁל השׁומרונים
Abraham Tal — אברהם טל, 2000
A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tradition
Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Joaquín Sanmartín, Wilfred G. E. Watson, 2015
Altäthiopische Studiengrammatik
Stephan Procházka, 2004
It's still Greek to me: an easy-to-understand guide to intermediate Greek
David Alan Black, 1998
A Grammar of Old Turkic
Marcel Erdal, 2004
A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar
John R. Perry, 2005
Altaistik: Turkologie
J. Benzing, A. Von Gabain, O. Pritsak, N. Poppe, K. H. Menges, A. Temir, Z. V. Togan, F. Taeschner, 1997
An Introduction to the Nature and Functions of Language, Second Edition
Howard Jackson, Peter Stockwell, 2011
Copulae in the Arabic Noun Phrase: A Unified Analysis of Arabic Adnominal Markers
Francesco Grande, 2013
Corpus Applications in Applied Linguistics
Ken Hyland, Chau Meng Huat, Michael Handford, 2012
Fuyug grammar sketch
Robert L. Bradshaw., 2007.
Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity
Ineke Sluiter, Ralph M. Rosen, 2012
Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide - Part Two
David R. Knechtges, Taiping Chang (Editors), 2013
Ancient Israelite And Early Jewish Literature: Tenth, Completely Revised Edition of Oud-Israëlitische en vroeg-joodse literatuur
T.C. Vriezen, A.S. van der Woude; Translated by Brian Doyle, 2004