انتشارات Academic Press, , Crc Press

Innovations in Food Packaging
Jung H. Han, 2005
Introduction to Food Toxicology
William G. Eckert, 2003
Micro Fuel Cells - Principles and Applications
Tim Zhao, 2009
Process Heat Transfer: Principles and Application
Robert W. Serth, 2007
Thermal Analysis
B. Wunderlich, 1990
Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing
Dimos Poulikakos (Eds.), 1996
Proteolytic Enzymes: Aspartic and Metallo Peptidases
Abelson J.N., Simon M.I., Barrett A.J. (eds.), 1995
Cavity Polaritons
Alexey Kavokin, Guillaume Malpuech, 2003
Electronic Excitations in Organic Based Nanostructures, Volume 31
G. Franco Bassani, V. M. Agranovich, 2003
Arsenic in Soil and Groundwater Environment: Biogeochemical Interactions, Health Effects and Remediation
Prosun Bhattacharya, Arun B. Mukherjee, Jochen Bundschuh, Ron Zevenhoven and Richard H. Loeppert (Eds.), 2007
Casing Design Theory and Practice
S.S. Rahman and G.V. Chilingarian (Eds.), 1995
Casing Design Theory and Practice
S.S. Rahman and G.V. Chilingarian (Eds.), 1995
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
Daniel Hillel, 2004
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
Daniel Hillel, 2004
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
Daniel Hillel, 2004
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
Daniel Hillel, 2004
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
Frank Jahn, Mark Cook and Mark Graham (Eds.), 1998
Hydrocarbon Seal Quantification, Norwegian Petroleum Society Conference
Andreas G. Koestler and Robert Hunsdale (Eds.), 2002
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Erle C. Donaldson, George V. Chilingarian and Teh Fu Yen (Eds.), 1989
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology
Duncan Mara, Nigel J. Horan, 2003
Handbook of Water Purity and Quality
Satinder Ahuja, 2009
Interface Science in Drinking Water Treatment: Theory and Application
Gayle Newcombe and David Dixon (Eds.), 2006
Nonlinear Water Waves
Lokenath Debnath, 1994
Nonlinear Water Waves
Lokenath Debnath, 1994