انتشارات Academic Press, , Elsevier Inc

Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra. In Honor of Masayoshi Nagata, Volume 2
Hiroaki Hikikata, 1988
Clinical biochemistry of domestic animals
Jiro J Kaneko, 1980
Archaeology of the Central Mississippi Valley
Dan F. Morse, Phyllis A. Morse, 1983
Capital and Employment. A Study of Keynes's Economics
Murray Milgate, 1982
Integer Programming. Theory, Applications, and Computations
Hamdy A. Taha, 1975
Pathology, Vector Studies, and Culture
Julius P. Kreier, 1980
Computing for Calculus
Mark J. Christensen (Auth.), 1981
Hepatic Plasma Proteins. Mechanisms of Function and Regulation
Barbara H. Bowman (Auth.), 1993
Recent Advances in Differential Equations
Roberto Conti, 1981
Disorders of Auditory Function. Volume III
Ian G. Taylor, 1980
Multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations
Stanley I Grossman, 1986
Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences
Fritz Machlup, 1978
Applied Iterative Methods
Louis A. Hageman, 1981
Conformation in Biology and Drug Design. The Peptides: Analysis, Synthesis, Biology
Sidney Udenfriend, 1985
Advances in Quantum Chemistry
Per-Olov Lowdin, 1964
Advances in Quantum Chemistry
Per-Olov Lowdin, 1973
Computer Arithmetic in Theory and Practice
Ulrich W. Kulisch, Willard L. Miranker, 1981
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
James L. Peterson, 1978
Combinatorial Algorithms. For Computers and Calculators
Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert S. Wilf, 1978
Power System Small Signal Stability Analysis and Control
Debasish Mondal, Abhijit Chakrabarti, 2014
Computer Methods in Operations Research
Arne Thesen, 1978
Anthropology and the Public Interest. Fieldwork and Theory
P. Sanday, 1976
Fundamentals of Human–Computer Interaction
Andrew Monk, 1985