انتشارات Academic Press, Elsevier

Stefan Hohmann, 2001
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications, Third Edition
Lokenath Debnath, 2005
Protein Methyltransferases
Steven G. Clarke, 2006
Epigenetics and Development
Edith Heard (Eds.), 2013
Fluorescent Proteins
Kevin F. Sullivan (Eds.), 2008
Receptor Molecular Biology
Stuart C. Sealfon, 1995
Catalyst for Upgrading Heavy Petroleum Feeds
Edward Furimsky (Eds.), 2007
Freight Transport and the Environment
Martin Kroon, Ruthger Smit, 1991
Basic Molecular Protocols in Neuroscience: Tips, Tricks, and Pitfalls
John T Corthell (Auth.), 2014
Current Issues in Computer Simulation
Nabil R. Adam, 1979
Rape investigation handbook
John O Savino, 2005
Neurovirology Viruses and the Brain
Michael J. Buchmeier, 2001
Cohomology of Principal Bundles amd Homogeneous Spaces
Werner Greub, Stephen Halperin, 1972
Study Guide to Accompany Computer and Data Processing
Harvey M. Deitel, 1985
Hedgehog Signaling
Gerald Litwack (Eds.), 2012
Regression Estimators. A Comparative Study
Marvin H. J. Gruber, Gerald J. Lieberman, 1990
Fundamentals of air pollution
Daniel A Vallero, 2014
How to Conquer Air Pollution a Japanese Experience
H. Nishimura (Eds.), 1989
Ozone Air Pollution in the Siera Nevada: Distribution and Effects on Forests
Andrzej Bytnerowitcz, 2003
Issues, Theory, and Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Kathryn Kelley (Eds.), 1992
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Vol. 42
Steve L. Taylor (ed.), 1998