انتشارات Academic Press : Elsevier Ltd

Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
Fukunaga, Keinosuke., 1999
Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition
Fukunaga, Keinosuke., 1999
Introduction To Statistical Pattern Recognition
Keinosuke Fukunaga
Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity: General Principles, Constitutive Modelling, Analytical and Numerical Techniques
R.R. Huilgol and N. Phan-Thien (Eds.), 1997
Modern Acoustical Techniques for the Measurennent of Mechanical Properties
Moises Levy, Henry E. Bass and Richard Stern (Eds.), 2001
Basics of interferometry
P. Hariharan, 2007
Optical coherence tomography : principles and applications
Brezinski, Mark E., 2006
Passive optical networks: principles and practice
Cedric F. Lam, 2007
Progress in Optics, Vol. 23
E. Wolf (ed.), 1986
Progress in Optics, Vol. 8
E. Wolf (ed.), 1970
Laser Crystallization of Silicon-Fundamentals to Devices
Prof. H. Nickel (Eds.), 2003
Applied conformal field theory
Ginsparg P., 1989
Carriers and Membrane Transport Proteins
Felix Bronner and Arnost Kleinzeller (Eds.), 1980
Current Topics in Membranes and Transport, Vol. 7
Felix Bronner (ed.), Arnosl Kleinzeller (ed.), 1975
Electrogenic Ion Pumps
Arnost Kleinzeller, Felix Bronner and Clifford L. Slayman (Eds.), 1982
Environmental Hydraulics: Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Transport Modelling of Lakes and Coastal Waters
I.K. Tsanis, Jian Wu, Huihua Shen and Caterina Valeo (Eds.), 2006
Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
IAHR (Eds.), 1972
3rd World Congress on Oxidation Catalaysis, Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis
R.K. Grasselli, S.T. Oyama, A.M. Gaffney and J.E. Lyons (Eds.), 1997
Tribological Research and Design for Engineering Systems, Proceedings of the 29th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology
D. Dowson, M. Priest, G. Dalmaz and A.A Lubrecht (Eds.), 2003
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XVIII
Jill Austin, Peter Brimblecombe and William Sturges (Eds.), 2007