انتشارات Academic Press Inc.

Analysis of Reflector Antennas
W. V. T. Rusch, P. D. Potter, Henry G. Booker and Nicholas Declaris (Auth.), 1970
Photochemistry. An Introduction
D. R. Arnold, N. C. Baird and J. R. Bolton (Auth.), 1974
A Course in Statistical Thermodynamics
Joseph Kestin (Auth.), 1971
Affinity Chromatography and Biological Recognition
Irwin Chaiken (Eds.), 1983
Generalized Functions
I. M. Gel'fand, G. E. Shilov, E. Saletan, 1977
Generalized Functions, Vol. 3: Theory of Differential Equations
I. M. Gel'fand, G. E. Shilov, E. Saletan, 1977
Animal Virology
David Baltimore (Eds.), 1976
Instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine
Gerald J. Hine (Eds.), 1967
Numerical Methods of Mathematical Optimization. With ALGOL and FORTRAN Programs
Hans P. Künzi, H. G. Tzschach, C. A. Zehnder and Werner Rheinboldt (Auth.), 1968
Piezoelectric Ceramics
Bernard Jaffe (Auth.), 1971
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume I
Clarence Karr, 1978
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume II
Clarence Karr (Eds.), 1978
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume III
Clarence Karr (Eds.), 1979
Bioelectric Recording Techniques. Electroencephalography and Human Brain Potentials
Richard F. Thompson, 1974
Advances in Quantum Chemistry
Per-Olov Lowdin, 1974
Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs
Martin Charles Golumbic, 1980
Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals. Computer Science and Scientific Computing
R. Wong, Werner Rheinboldt, 1989
Asymptotics and Special Functions
F. W. J. Olver, 1974
Economics and Operational Research
M. H. Beilby (Auth.), 1975
Information Processing in Motor Control and Learning
George E. Stelmach, 1978
Human and Machine Vision
Colo.) Conference on Human, 1983
Human and Machine Vision II
Azriel Rosenfeld, 1986