انتشارات Academic Press Ltd

Bioactive nutriceuticals and food supplements in neurological and brain
Ronald Ross Watson, 2015
Bioactive nutriceuticals and food supplements in neurological and brain
Ronald Ross Watson, 2015
Foods and Dietary Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease in Older Adults
Ronald Ross Watson, 2015
Foods and Dietary Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease in Older Adults
Ronald Ross Watson, 2015
Piezoelectric Ceramics
Bernard Jaffe (Auth.), 1971
Quality control in the food industry Vol. 1
Herschdoerfer, 1984
Wearable Sensors: Fundamentals, Implementation and Applications
Edward Sazonov, 2014
Advances in communication systems : theory and applications. Volume 2
AV Balakrishnan, 1966
Computational Quantum Chemistry II. The Group Theory Calculator
Charles M. Quinn, Patrick W. Fowler, 2005
Pattern Recognition & Matlab Intro: Pattern Recognition, Fourth Edition
Sergios Theodoridis, 2008
Radioactive Fallout After Nuclear Explosions and Accidents
Yu.A. Izrael (Eds.), 2002
Exploratory Image Databases. Content-Based Retrieval
Simone Santini (Auth.), 2001
An Introduction to Coal Technology
N. Berkowitz (Auth.), 1979
Analytical methods for coal and coal products, Volume 1
Clarence Karr, 1978-1979
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume I
Clarence Karr, 1978
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume II
Clarence Karr (Eds.), 1978
Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Volume III
Clarence Karr (Eds.), 1979
Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion: Research, Development and Application
M. Valk (Eds.), 1995
Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion: Research, Development and Application
M. Valk (Eds.), 1995
Aeolian Dust and Dust Deposits
Kenneth Pye (Auth.), 1987
An Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and Economics
Ramazan Gençay, 2002