انتشارات Alma Press

Automorphisms of first-order structures
Kaye, Richard; MacPherson, Dugald(eds.), 1994
Beginning model theory: the completeness theorem and some consequences
Bridge, Jane, 1977
The beat of a different drum: the life and science of Richard Feynman
Feynman, Richard Phillips; Mehra, Jagdish; Feynman, Richard P, 2000, 1996
The NAG library: a beginner's guide
Phillips, Jen, 1986
Recursive aspects of descriptive set theory
R. Mansfield and G. Weitkamp, 1985
The Caring Self: The Work Experiences of Home Care Aides
Clare L. Stacey, 2011
The Letters of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson, 1958
Assessment and diagnosis for organization development : powerful tools and perspectives for the OD practitioner
Myers, Jennifer L.; Rothwell, William J.; Stopper, Angela L. M, 2017
Advances in Biomolecular Medicine: Proceedings of the 4th BIBMC (Bandung International Biomolecular Medicine Conference) 2016 and the 2nd ACMM (ASEAN Congress on Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences), October 4-6, 2016, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Fucharoen, Suthat; Hofstra, Robert; Koibuchi, Noriyuki, 2017
A spirit of trust : a reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology
Brandom, Robert, 2019
Time and memory : issues in philosophy and psychology
Hoerl, Christoph; McCormack, Teresa, 2006
China’s dilemma : economic growth, the environment and climate change
Song, Ligang; Woo, Wing Thye, 2008
Brown, Not White : School Integration and the Chicano Movement in Houston.
San Miguel, Guadalupe, Oct. 2005
The age of Confucian rule : the Song transformation of China
Kuhn, Dieter (Sinologe), 2011
In Leviathan’s Belly: Essays for a Counter-Revolutionary Time
Darko Suvin, 2012
Unity, identity, and explanation in Aristotle’s metaphysics
Aristoteles.; Aristotle, Aristotle.; Gill, Mary Louise; Aristoteles; Scaltsas, Theodore; Array, Array, Aristote., Aristote; Charles, David Owain Maurice, 1994
Trotsky, Leon; Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1979
Prestressed Concrete Design to Eurocodes
Bhatt, Prab, 2012
Leading healthcare IT: managing to succeed
Susan T. Snedaker, 2017
Shaw, Susannah, 2017