انتشارات Altamira Press

Theorizing religions past : archaeology, history, and cognition
Martin, Luther H.; Whitehouse, Harvey, 2004
Longitudinal Qualitative Research: Analyzing Change Through Time
Johnny Saldaña, 2003
Gender and the Social Construction of Illness
Judith Lorber, Lisa Jean Moore, 2002
Food and Social Media: You Are What You Tweet
Signe Rousseau, 2012
Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
H. Russell Bernard, 2011
Bigfoot Exposed: An Anthropologist Examines America’s Enduring Legend
David J. Daegling, 2004
Exploring Maya Ritual Caves: Dark Secrets from the Maya Underworld
Stanislav Chládek, 2011
Consumer Research for Museum Marketers: Audience Insights Money Can’t Buy
Margot A. Wallace, 2010
In Defense of Things: Archaeology and the Ontology of Objects
Bjornar Olsen, 2010
Textile Economies: Power and Value from the Local to the Transnational
Walter E. Little, Patricia A. McAnany (eds.), 2011
Anthropology and Global History: From Tribes to the Modern World-System
Robert M. Carmack, 2013
Archaeology beyond Postmodernity: A Science of the Social
Andrew M. Martin, 2013
Museums in the Digital Age: Changing Meanings of Place, Community, and Culture
Susana Smith Bautista, 2013
Lost in the Museum: Buried Treasures and the Stories They Tell
Nancy Moses, 2007
Museums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums
Edward P. Alexander, Mary Alexander, 2007
The Manual of Museum Management
Gail Dexter Lord, Barry Lord, 2009
Métodos de investigación en antropología : Abordajes cualitativos y cuantitativos
H. Russell Bernard, 2006
Gender, social inequalities, and aging
Calasanti, Toni M.; Slevin, Kathleen F., 2001
Re-riting Woman: Dianic Wicca and the Feminine Divine
Kristy S. Coleman, 2010
Cultural Resource Laws & Practice, 4th Edition
Thomas F. King, 2013
Anthropology and Migration; Essays on Transnationalism, Ethnicity, and Identity
Caroline Brettell, 2003
Practicing Ethnography in a Globalizing World: An Anthropological Odyssey
June C. Nash, 2006