انتشارات Amer Assn Of Petroleum Geologists

Deep-water sandstones, Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas (AAPG Course Notes 40)
R.T. Beaubouef, 1999
Deposition of Organic Facies (AAPG Studies in Geology 30)
A. Y. Huc, 1991
Development Geology Reference Manual (AAPG Methods in Exploration Series 10)
Diana Morton-Thompson, 1993
Dolomitization (AAPG Course Notes 24)
Lynton Stuart Land, 1983
Fine-Grained Turbidite Systems (AAPG Memoir No. 72)
A. H. Bouma, 2000
Geology of Cuba (AAPG Studies in Geology 58)
Georges Pardo, 2009
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy: recent developments and applications
R. G. Loucks, 1993
Interpretation of Three-Dimensional seismic data
Alistair R. Brown, 1999
Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data, sixth ed.
Alistair R. Brown, 2004
The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG Memoir No. 60)
Leslie B. Magoon, 1994
Sandstone Depositional Environments (AAPG Memoir 31)
Peter A. Scholle, 1982
Sandstone Depositional Environments (AAPG Memoir 31)
Peter A. Scholle, 1982
Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World (AAPG Memoir No. 88)
P. M. Harris, 2006
Handbook of Log Evaluation Techniques for Carbonate REservoirs
George B. Asquith, 1985
Geology of the Mexican Republic (AAPG Studies in Geology 39)
Dante Morán Zenteno, 1994
Sample Examination Manual (AAPG Methods in Exploration Series 1)
Roger Swanson, 1986
The Petroleum system : from source to trap
Leslie B Magoon, 1994