انتشارات Amer Mathematical Society

Equivariant Orthogonal Spectra and S-Modules
M. A. Mandell, J. Peter May, 2002
Resolving Markov Chains Onto Bernoulli Shifts Via Positive Polynomials
Brian Marcus, Selim Tuncel, 2001
Multiplicative Homology Operations and Transfer
Norihiko Minami, 1991
Partially Ordered Linear Topological Spaces
Isaac Namioka, 1974
Sums of Even Powers of Real Linear Forms
Bruce Reznick, 1992
Existence of the Sectional Capacity
Robert Rumely, Chi Fong Lau, Robert Varley, 2000
Ondes de Gradients Multidimensionnelles
Monique Sablé-Tougeron, 1993
Lifting Properties in Skew-product Flows With Applications to Differential Equations
Robert J. Sacker, George R. Sell, 1977
The Category of H-modules over a Spectrum
J.P. Sanders, 1974
Triangulations of Oriented Matroids
Francisco Santos, 2002
H-To The-P Spaces of Annualus
Donald Sarason, 1982
Hod Mice and the Mouse Set Conjecture
Grigor Sargsyan, 2015
Forcing and Classifying Topoi
Andrej Scedrov, 1985
Radially Symmetric Patterns of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Arnd Scheel, 2003
Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Armand Borel, 1972
Neumann Systems for the Algebraic Akns Problem
Randolph J. Schilling, 1992
Integrable Systems and Riemann Surfaces of Infinite Genus
Martin U. Schmidt, 1996
Integral Operators in the Theory of Induced Banach Representations
Irwin E. Schochetman, 1978
Homological Mirror Symmetry for the Quartic Surface
Paul Seidel, 2015
Maximal Subgroups of Exceptional Algebraic Groups
Gary M. Seitz, 1991
Maximal Subgroups of Classical Algebraic Groups
Gary M. Seitz, 1987
On Natural Coalgebra Decompositions of Tensor Algebras and Loop Suspensions
Paul Selick, Jie Wu, 2000
On Lie Algebras of Prime Characteristics
George B. Seligman, 1970