انتشارات American Chemical Soc.

Catalysis Under Transient Conditions
Alexis T. Bell, 1982
Biogenic Sulfur in the Environment
Eric S. Saltzman, 1989
Emulsion Polymerization
Irja Piirma, 1976
Emulsion Polymers and Emulsion Polymerization
David R. Bassett, 1981
Functional Foods for Disease Prevention II. Medicinal Plants and Other Foods
Takayuki Shibamoto, Junji Terao,, 1998
Human Medicinal Agents from Plants
A. Douglas Kinghorn, 1993
Cellulose and Fiber Science Developments: A World View
Jett C. Arthur, 1977
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology
Jett C. Arthur, 1977
Cellulose Nanocomposites. Processing, Characterization, and Properties
Kristiina Oksman, 2006
Protein Folding. In Vivo and In Vitro
Jeffrey L. Cleland (Eds.), 1993
Unconventional Sources of Dietary Fiber. Physiological and in Vitro Functional Properties
Ivan Furda (Eds.), 1983
Xenobiotic Metabolism: In Vitro Methods
Gaylord D. Paulson, D. Stuart Frear,, 1979
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in colloid and interface science : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at the 199th National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990
David R Scheuing; American Chemical Society. Division of Colloid, 1990
Lignin: Historical, Biological, and Materials Perspectives
Wolfgang G. Glasser, Robert A. Northey,, 2000
Polymers for Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics
Qinghuang Lin, Raymond A. Pearson,, 2004
Detection in Analytical Chemistry. Importance, Theory, and Practice
Lloyd A. Currie (Eds.), 1988
Benign by Design. Alternative Synthetic Design for Pollution Prevention
Paul T. Anastas, 1994
Biological Systems Engineering
Mark R. Marten, Tai Hyun Park,, 2002
Nutrition and Aerobic Exercise
Donald K. Layman (Eds.), 1986
African Natural Plant Products: New Discoveries and Challenges in Chemistry and Quality
H. Rodolfo Juliani, James E. Simon,, 2009
Advances in wine research
Ebeler, 2015
Cavity-Ringdown Spectroscopy. An Ultratrace-Absorption Measurement Technique
Kenneth W. Busch, 1999
Evaluation of Pesticides in Ground Water
Willa Y. Garner, Richard C. Honeycutt,, 1986
Groundwater Residue Sampling Design
Ralph G. Nash, 1991